The paper presents the experimental data of single a-Si:H cells degraded under high intensity illumination and compares them to the numerically calculated J-V characteristics of degraded a-Si:H solar cells. The cells were deposited at two different substrate temperatures. The current voltage characteristics were calculated using our simulation program which allows for accurate determination of cell response under monochromatic or global AM1.5 spectrum.
We have simulated the light-induced metastable defects (Staebler-Wronski degradation) by increasing the density of localized states. In order to test the validity of this approach we compared the calculated fill factors under AM1.5, blue and red illumination with the measured fill factors for the same light.
From the experimental data we observed mat at near room temperature (∼35°C) both cells reach saturation in degradation of fill factors under high intensity illumination. The saturation level corresponded to the minimum density of localized states (gmin) of 1.2×1017 cm-3eV-1 and is independent of the light intensity used in experiment.