Let $X$ be a closed subscheme embedded in a scheme $W$, smooth over a field ${\bf k}$ of characteristic zero, and let ${\mathcal I} (X)$ be the sheaf of ideals defining $X$. Assume that the set of regular points of $X$ is dense in $X$. We prove that there exists a proper, birational morphism, $\pi : W_r \longrightarrow W$, obtained as a composition of monoidal transformations, so that if $X_r \subset W_r$ denotes the strict transform of $X \subset W$ then:
(1) the morphism $\pi : W_r \longrightarrow W$ is an embedded desingularization of $X$ (as in Hironaka's Theorem);
(2) the total transform of ${\mathcal I} (X)$ in ${\mathcal O}_{W_r}$ factors as a product of an invertible sheaf of ideals ${\mathcal L}$ supported on the exceptional locus, and the sheaf of ideals defining the strict transform of $X$ (that is, ${\mathcal I}(X){\mathcal O}_{W_r} = {\mathcal L} \cdot {\mathcal I}(X_r)$).
Thus (2) asserts that we can obtain, in a simple manner, the equations defining the desingularization of $X$.
2000 Mathematical Subject Classification: 14E15.