Infrared (IR) spectroscopy and ultraviolet near-resonance enhanced Raman scattering have been used as alternative techniques to characterize the AlN films grown on Si(111). Epitaxial AlN films have been prepared by plasma source molecular beam epitaxy (PSMBE) at growth temperatures of 400 and 650 oC. The AlN/Si grown at 650°C shows distinct reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns with the following epitaxial relations: AlN [0001] ‖ Si [111], and AlN < 011 0 > ‖ Si < 112 >. This is in sharp contrast with the observation of a spotty RHEED pattern for AlN/Si sample grown at 400°C, which appeared the same when viewed along any Si azimuth. Furthermore, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) rocking curve width showed a significant reduction from 5.7ofor sample grown at 400°C to 2° for the one grown at 650°C. The observation of Raman active A1(LO) and E2, and IR active E1(TO) zone center phonons, in both the films, is in accordance with the c-axis orientation of the films. However, the observed phonon mode frequencies and line widths indicate that the AlN samples grown at 400°C have less strain but more disorder compared to the ones grown at 650°C in agreement with RHEED and XRD data.