Inhibitory effects have been reported when a target is preceded by a
cue of the same color and location. Color-based inhibition was found using
red and blue nonisoluminant stimuli (Law et al., 1995). Here we investigate whether this phenomenon
depends on the chromatic subsystem involved by employing isoluminant
colors varying along either the violet-yellow or purple-turquoise cardinal
axis. Experiment 1 replicated Law et al.'s study: After fixating
magenta, either a red or blue cue was presented, followed by a magenta
“neutral attractor,” and, finally, by a red or blue target. In
Experiment 2, violet and yellow, cue or target, varied along a tritan
confusion line in the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram. In Experiment 3,
purple and turquoise, cue or target, varied along a deutan confusion line
in the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram. Normal trichromats (n = 19)
participated in all three experiments. In Experiment 1, color repetition
indeed resulted in longer reaction times (RTs) (4.7 ms, P =
0.038). In Experiment 2, however, no significant color repetition effect
was found; RTs to violet and yellow were not significantly different,
though tending toward slower responses (2 ms) for violet repetition but
faster (5 ms) for yellow. Experiment 3 also showed no color repetition
effect (P = 0.58); notably, RTs were overall faster for purple
than for turquoise (22 ms, P < 0.0001). Furthermore, responses
tended to be slower for purple repetition (4 ms, P > 0.05),
but faster for turquoise (7 ms, P > 0.05). These findings
demonstrate that color repetition is not always inhibitory but may turn
facilitatory depending on the colors employed. The results indicate that
disengagement of attention is an unlikely mechanism to be the sole
explanation of previously reported color-based inhibition of return. We
suggest a complementary, perceptual explanation: response (dis)advantage
depends on whether the stimuli are isoluminant and on the opponent
chromatic subsystem involved. The choice of the colors employed and the
cue-attractor-target constellation also may be of significance.