This paper investigates the issues in the scaling of thin film PZT (Lead-Zirconate-Titanate) capacitors for DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memories) applications. The test structures used were MIM (metal-insulator-metal) capacitors with platinum electrodes and PZT deposited using a sol-gel process. Charge storage density (Q'c), leakage current density (JL), unipolar switching time to 10% decay (ts), time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) and electrical fatigue have been analyzed. Unipolar switching time has been modeled as an RC time constant, where C is electric-field dependent. Q'c at a given electric field appears to remain constant over the range of film thicknesses and electrode areas studied. Leakage current density and time-to-breakdown (tBD) for a given electric field degrade with decreasing film thickness. Unipolar stressing causes considerably less fatigue than bipolar stressing, and after 2 × 1011 cycles, a 400nm film still exhibits sufficient Q'c for DRAM operation.