Surface termination of Ge(100) and Si(100) was investigated after diluted HF (DHF) solution dipping. On the Ge(100) surface as picked up from DHF, Ge-hydride was observed only in the HF concentration (CHF) region above 10%. The adsorbed fluorine increased with increasing CHF, and the concentration reached around 1014 cm−2 at the CHF of 40-50%. In the case of the DHF dipped Si(100) surface, Si-hydride and hydrophobicity against both DHF and deionized water (DIW) were observed for all the conditions studied, while the fluorine concentration increased and saturated to about 1014 cm−2 in the CHF region above 15%. Hydrophobicity against DHF was observed in the CHF region of 10-30%, but degraded below 5% and above 30%. By transferring the DHF dipped Ge(100) into DIW, hydrophobicity appeared within a few seconds and then was degraded with increase of DIW dipping time. The degradation proceeded slower after dipped in higher concentration DHF. Corresponding to the degradation, it was observed that the total amount of the adsorbed fluoride was gradually decreasing, while the Ge-hydride coverage scarcely decreased. From these results, hydrophobicity of Ge(100) seems to be attributed not only to the hydrogen termination but also to the fluoride adsorption, which is much different from the case of Si(100).