Book Reviews
Jarrett Rudy, The freedom to smoke: tobacco consumption and identity, Montreal and London, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006, pp. xiii, 234, £57.00, $75.00 (hardback 978-0-7735-2910-6); £17.95, $27.95 (paperback 978-0-7735-2911-3).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 413-414
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David Boyd Haycock and Patrick Wallis (eds), Quackery and commerce in seventeenth-century London: the proprietary medicine business of Anthony Daffy, Medical History Supplement, no. 25, London, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2005, pp. viii, 216, £35.00, €52.00, $64.00 (hardback 0-85484-101-6).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 563-564
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Manuela Tecusan, The fragments of the Methodists: Methodism outside Soranus. Volume one: Text and translation, Leiden, Brill, 2004, pp. ix, 813, €149.00, $197.00 (hardback 90-04-12451-9).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 127-128
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Henry Guly, A history of accident and emergency medicine, 1948–2004, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. xviii, 183, £45.00 (hardback 1-4039-4715-5).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 258-259
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Carmen Barona Vilar, Las políticas de salud: la sanidad valenciana entre 1855 y 1936, Universitat de València, 2006, pp. 292, illus., €16.65 (paperback 84-370-6331-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 414-415
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Thomas Schlich and Ulrich Tröhler (eds), The risks of medical innovation: risk perception and assessment in historical context, Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2006, pp. xv, 291, illus., £80.00 (hardback 0-415-33481-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 259-260
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Florian Steger, Asklepiosmedizin: medizinischer Alltag in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Medizin Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Beihefte 22, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2004, pp. 256, €38.00 (paperback 3-515-08415-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 128-129
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Thomas Dormandy, The worst of evils: the fight against pain, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2006, pp. xi, 547, illus., £19.99 (hardback 0-300-11322-6).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 564-565
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Iris Borowy and Wolf D Gruner (eds), Facing illness in troubled times: health in Europe in the interwar years, 1918–1939, Frankfurt am Main and New York, Peter Lang, 2005, pp. xiv, 424, £41.90 (paperback 3-631-51948-6).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 415-416
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Selma Tibi, The medicinal use of opium in ninth-century Baghdad, Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, vol. 5, Leiden and London, Brill, 2006, pp. xiv, 314, €93.00, $133.00 (hardback 90-04-0414696-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 129-130
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Daniel Callahan and Angela A Wasunna, Medicine and the market: equity v. choice, Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006, pp. x, 320, £23.50, $35.00 (hardback 0-8018-8339-3).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 260-261
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Anne Carol, Les médecins et la mort: XIXe–XXesiècle, Collection Historique, Paris, Aubier, 2004, pp. 335, €23.00 (paperback 2-70-072331-7).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 565-567
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Michael Hunter (ed.), Robert Boyle's ‘Heads’ and ‘Inquiries’, Robert Boyle Project Occasional Papers No. 1, London, Robert Boyle Project, Birkbeck, University of London, 2005, pp. xvi, 37 (0-9551608-0-4; 978-0-9551608-0-6). Michael Hunter and Harriet Knight (eds), Unpublished material relating to Robert Boyle's Memoirs for the natural history of human blood, Robert Boyle Project Occasional Papers No. 2, London, Robert Boyle Project, Birkbeck, University of London, 2005, pp. xv, 50 (0-9551608-1-2; 978-0-9551608-1-3). Copies of both books may be downloaded as PDF files from the Robert Boyle website at
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 261-262
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José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez and Agustí Nieto-Galan (eds), Chemistry, medicine, and crime: Mateu J. B. Orfila (1787–1853) and his times, Sagamore Beach, MA, Science History Publications/USA, 2006, pp. xxv, 306, illus., $52.00 (hardback 0-88135-275-6).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 567-568
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Andrew T Crislip, From monastery to hospital: Christian monasticism and the transformation of health care in late Antiquity, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2005, pp. x, 235, £33.50, $70.00 (hardback 0-472-11474-3).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 130-131
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Virginia Berridge and Kelly Loughlin (eds), Medicine, the market and the mass media: producing health in the twentieth century, Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine, London and New York, Routledge, 2005, pp. xx, 299, £80.00 (hardback 0-415-30432-6).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 416-417
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Ken Arnold, Cabinets for the curious: looking back at early English museums, Perspectives on Collecting series,Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005, pp. xii, 297, £47.50, $94.95 (hardback 0-7546-0506-X).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 131-132
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Albrecht Burkardt, Les clients des saints: maladie et quête du miracle à travers les procès de canonisation de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle en France, Collection de l'Ecole Française de Rome, Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, 2004, pp. viii, 623, €66.00 (paperback 2-7283-0681-8).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 262-263
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Kay Peter Jankrift, Krankheit und Heilkunde im Mittelalter, Geschichte Kompakt, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003, pp. ix, 148, SFr 25.90, €14.90 (paperback 3-534-15481-9).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 568-569
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Fay Bound Alberti, Medicine, emotion and disease, 1700–1950, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp. xxviii, 196, £45.00 (hardback 978-1-4039-8537-8).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 417-418
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