Book Reviews
Asa Briggs, A history of the Royal College of Physicians of London, vol. 4, 1948–1983, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. xii, 486, illus., £60.00 (hardback 0-19-925334-X).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 252-253
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Sarah Hodges, Reproductive health in India: history, politics, controversies, New Perspectives in South Asian History, New Delhi, Orient Longman, 2006, pp. ix, 264, Rs 620.00 (hardback 81-250-2939-7).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 407-408
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Virginia Berridge (ed.), Making health policy: networks in research and policy after 1945, Clio Medica 75, The Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2005, pp. vi, 338, €75.00, $94.00 (hardback 90-420-1824-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 122-123
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Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Expunging variola: the control and eradication of smallpox in India, 1947–1977, New Perspectives in South Asian History, New Delhi, Orient Longman, 2006, pp. xv, 326, Rs 750.00 (hardback 81-250-3018-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 557-558
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Josep L Barona and Steven Cherry (eds), Health and medicine in rural Europe (1850–1945), Scientia Veterum, Valencia, Seminari d'Estudis sobre la Ciència, Universitat de València, 2005, pp. 372, €18.00 (paperback 84-370-6334-5). Orders to:; Publicaciones de la Universitat de Valencia/Llibreria, C/Aretes Graficas 13, 46010 Valencia, Spain.
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 123-124
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Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña, Salud pública en España. Ciencia, profesión y política, siglos XVIII–XX, Universidad de Granada, 2005, pp. 258, €17.00 (paperback 84-338-3627-7).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 253-254
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Margaret Pelling and Scott Mandelbrote (eds), The practice of reform in health, medicine, and science, 1500–2000: essays for Charles Webster, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005, pp. xv, 376 (hardback 0-7546-3933-9).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 558-560
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Thomas Abraham, Twenty-first century plague: the story of SARS, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, pp. viii, 165, $24.95 (hardback 0-8018-8124-2); $18.95 (paperback 0-8018-8632-5).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 408-409
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Robert W Mann and David R Hunt, Photographic regional atlas of bone disease: a guide to pathologic and normal variation in the human skeleton, 2nd ed., Springfield, ILL, Charles C Thomas, 2005, pp. xiv, 297, illus. 234, $69.95 (hardback 0-398-07539-5); $49.95 (paperback 0-398-07540-9).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 409-410
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Marie-France Vouilloz-Burnier and Vincent Barras, De l'hospice au réseau santé: santé publique et systèmes hospitaliers valaisans XIXe–XXe siècles, Sierre, Editions Monographic, 2004, pp. 441, illus., €32.00 (paperback 2-88341-109-3).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 254-256
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Jacalyn Duffin, Lovers and livers: disease concepts in history, 2002 Joanne Goodman Lectures, Toronto and London, University of Toronto Press, 2005, pp. xvii, 234, £35.00, $55.00 (hardback 0-8020-3868-9); £29.95, $27.50 (paperback 0-8020-3805-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 124-125
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James B Waldram, D Ann Herring, and T Kue Young, Aboriginal health in Canada: historical, cultural, and epidemiological perspectives, second edition, University of Toronto Press, 2006, pp. xii, 367, £45.00, $70.00 (hardback 978-0-8020-8792-8); £20.00, $29.95 (paperback 978-0-8020-8579-8).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 560-561
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Stephanie J Snow, Operations without pain: the practice and science of anaesthesia in Victorian Britain, Science, Technology and Medicine in Modern History, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp. xii, 271, £50.00 (hardback 1-4039-3445-2).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 256-257
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Miguel de Asúa and Roger French, A new world of animals: early modern Europeans on the creatures of Iberian America, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005, pp. xviii, 257, illus., £50.00 (hardback 0-7456-0779-8).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 410-411
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Lise Renaud with Caroline Bouchard, La santé s'affiche au Québec: plus de 100 ans d'histoire, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2005, pp. 257, illus., Can. $33.15 (paperback 2-7605-1344-0).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 561-562
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Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones and Brian Wynne (eds), Science and citizens: globalization and the challenge of engagement, Claiming Citizenship: Rights, Participation and Accountability Series, London and New York, Zed Books, 2005, pp. viii, 295, £55.00, $75.00 (hardback 1-84277-550); £18.90, $25.00 (paperback 1-84277-551-0).
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- 17 May 2012, p. 125
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Emilie Savage-Smith, A descriptive catalogue of Oriental manuscripts at St John's College, Oxford, with contributions by Geert Jan van Gelder, Peter E Pormann, Samira Sheikh, Tim Stanley, Edward Ullendorff, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. xix, 155, 21 colour plates, 16 black and white plates, £60.00 (hardback 0-19-920195-1).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 411-413
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W D A Smith, Henry Hill Hickman, Sheffield, History of Anaesthesia Society, 2005, pp. 80, illus., £10.00 + p&p (paperback 0-901100-59-5). Orders to: Dr Adrian Padfield, 351 Fulwood Road, Sheffield S10 3BQ.
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 257-258
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Vivienne Lo and Christopher Cullen (eds), Medieval Chinese medicine: the Dunhuang medical manuscripts, Needham Research Institute series, London and New York, RoutledgeCurzon, 2005, pp. xxv, 450, illus., £90.00, $115.00 (0-415-34295-3).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 126-127
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Robin Haines, Doctors at sea: emigrant voyages to colonial Australia, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. x, 248, illus., £45.00 (hardback 1-4039-8685-1).
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- 17 May 2012, pp. 562-563
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