be a topological property. We say that the locally finite sum theorem holds for the property
if the following is true:
“If {Fα : α ∈ Λ} be a locally finite closed covering of X such that each Fα possesses the property
, then X possesses
.” The above property is known as the locally finite sum theorem (referred to as LFST in the present note). The LFST has been of interest to many people for it holds for many interesting properties such as metrizability, paracompactness, normality, collectionwise normality, local compactness, stratifiability, the property of being a normal M-space etc. etc. In [10], a large number of properties for which the LFST holds have been noted. In the same paper, a general method for proving this has been obtained. It has been shown that if a property
is such that it is preserved under finite-to-one, closed continuous maps and also preserved under disjoint topological sums, then the LFST holds for
and the same has been used to establish the LFST for a large number of properties. In [9,10], several interesting consequences of the LFST have been obtained. In the present note, some more interesting consequences of it have been obtained in regular, normal, collectionwise normal and countably paracompact spaces. Also, the LFST has been established for some other topological properties