The vision of Epidemiology & Infection is to be a generalist, high-quality scientific journal for infectious disease epidemiologists and their colleagues in related fields, providing a platform for accessing and publishing research of international epidemiological and public health relevance. In this way, Epidemiology & Infection advances research in infectious disease epidemiology, strengthens the evidence base for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and ultimately contributes to limiting the burden of infectious diseases while promoting health equity.
Epidemiology & Infection is dedicated to original reports and reviews of infectious disease epidemiological research. We welcome high quality manuscripts from all over the world, including low, middle and high-income settings. However, reports need to have global or regional relevance to be considered for publication.
The journal’s primary methodological focus is infectious disease epidemiology. Its content reflects the broad multidisciplinary nature of this field. Manuscripts that are relevant to the public health practice of infectious disease control are particularly welcome. Furthermore, epidemiologically relevant reports from a wide range of other specialisms may be considered. These include microbiology, phylogenetics and -dynamics, immunology, clinical and veterinary medicine, social and behavioural science, statistics, mathematical modelling, data science and artificial intelligence. Epidemiological papers published in Epidemiology & Infection are typically based on surveillance, outbreak investigation and applied research of infectious diseases, but they can also be methodological in nature.
Manuscripts describing case reports, single-centre case series, and clinical prognostic studies are less likely to be of interest to Epidemiology & Infection.
The requirements of the journal are in accordance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals [British Medical Journal 1991; 302: 338–341 and New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 324: 424–428.]. Particular attention is drawn to the sections on originality, copyright, prior and duplicate publication, and ethical guidelines.
Authors are encouraged to post manuscripts submitted to Epidemiology & Infection on bioRxiv, medRxiv, or any other relevant pre-print server.
We accept the following types of articles:
Original Paper*- Short Report*
- Review*
- From the Field*
- Letter to the Editor**
- Opinions- For Debate**
- Book Reviews**
- Editorial**
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.
** No APCs are required for these article types.