Background: The expansion of neuromodulation intervention for complex pain syndromes has been signifcant in the last few decades. Considering the increased load of patients, we thought about evaluating the level of awareness among different medical experts to help assessing their familiarity with spinal cord stimulator (SCS). Methods: Survey has been sent to general practitioners, family physicians, pain specialists and spine surgeons. The main outlets of the survey aims to assess the followings:
The main source of their knowledge about SC
Familiarity with candidates who may benefit from SC
Introducing the concept of SC to their patients as an adjunctive treatment
Frequency of patients’ referral for SC
Main reason for referring their patients
Familiarity with centres providing SCS
Results: EResults will be provided upon analysing the data from the collected surveys. Conclusions: The expansion in neurmodulation is expected to help patients with intractable pain syndromes. Hence, the survey would potentially help to explore the deficiencies in health workers awareness about SCS and outline future directions toward proper patients counseling and optimising their referral to neuromodulation centres.