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General information
Anatolian Studies is the annual journal of the British Institute at Ankara and is published by Cambridge University Press.
An electronic version of the journal is published simultaneously with the hard‐copy publication. Three years after publication, articles published in Anatolian Studies are made available electronically via the JSTOR scholarly journal archive (
Anatolian Studies is the flagship journal of the British Institute at Ankara (BIAA). It publishes peer‐reviewed research articles focused on Turkey and the Black Sea littoral region in the fields of history, archaeology and related social sciences.
Preliminary site reports and catalogues without substantial contextualisation and discussion will not normally be accepted for publication (although preliminary discussion of issues arising from fieldwork are welcomed).
Obituaries will not normally be included. However, if the individual has made a substantial contribution to the BIAA and/or to Turkish/Black Sea studies the inclusion of an obituary will be at the discretion of the editors.
Thematic articles are welcomed. Such articles would be broader in scope than standard articles published in the journal but should still retain a precise thematic focus.
Articles arising from conference presentations are welcomed.
Individual volumes will not normally be dedicated to an individual or one thematic subject.
Examples of recently published articles (2022)
'Spatial autocorrelation analysis and the social organisation of crop and herd management at Çatalhöyük' Ian Hodder, Amy Bogaard, Claudia Engel, Jessica Pearson and Jesse Wolfhagen
'A lead figurine from Toprakhisar Höyük: magico-ritual objects in the Syro-Anatolian Middle Bronze Age' Murat Akar and Demet Kara
'Regional exchange and exclusive elite rituals in Iron Age central Anatolia: dating, function and circulation of Alişar-IV ware' Lorenzo d’Alfonso, Elena Basso, Lorenzo Castellano, Alessio Mantovan and Paola Vertuani
'A text of Shalmaneser I from Üçtepe and the location of Šinamu' Bülent Genç and John MacGinnis
'Regional Lydian pottery at Daskyleion: testing stylistic classification by chemical analysis' R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Hans Mommsen and Michael Kerschner
'The display of wealth, status and power: two recently discovered mid-fourth-century BC pebble-mosaic floors from Sinope' Hazar Kaba and Eray Aksoy
'Hekate of Lagina: a goddess performing her civic duty' Amanda Herring
'Where to put them? Burial location in middle Hellenistic to late Roman Sagalassos, southwest Anatolia' Sam Cleymans and Bas Beaujean
'A Lord’s Prayer inscription from Amorium and the materiality of early Byzantine Christian prayer' Nikos Tsivikis
'Geometric interlace: a study of the rise, fall and meaning of stereotomic strapwork in the architecture of Rum Seljuq Anatolia' Richard Piran McClary
Article Types
Anatolian Studies publishes:
- Article*
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.