Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars play a significant role in our understanding of the origin of the elements. They contribute to the abundances of C, N, and approximately 50% of the abundances of the elements heavier than iron. An aspect often neglected in studies of AGB stars is the impact of a stellar companion on AGB stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis. In this study, we update the stellar abundances of AGB stars in the binary population synthesis code binary_c and calibrate our treatment of the third dredge-up using observations of Galactic carbon stars. We model stellar populations of low- to intermediate-mass stars at solar-metallicity and examine the stellar wind contributions to C, N, O, Sr, Ba, and Pb yields at binary fractions between 0 and 1. For a stellar population with a binary fraction of 0.7, we find $\sim$20–25% less C and s-process elements ejected than from a population composed of only single stars, and we find little change in the N and O yields. We also compare our models with observed abundances from Ba stars and find our models can reproduce most Ba star abundances, but our population estimates a higher frequency of Ba stars with a surface [Ce/Y] > $+0.2\,$dex. Our models also predict the rare existence of Ba stars with masses $ \gt 10\,\textrm{M}_{\odot}$.