Cosmological information is usually carried by, and extracted from massless spinning particles, “carriers of cosmological information”. The photon (spin 1-particle) is a good candidate representing one type of these carriers. Recently, the neutrino (spin 1/2-particle) entered the playground as another type. We expect, in the near future, that a third type of carriers, the graviton (spin 2-particle), to be used for extracting cosmological information. Two factors affect the properties of these carriers. The first is the source of the carrier. The second factor is the trajectory of the carrier, in the cosmic space, from its source to the receiver. The first factor implies the information carried, which reflect the properties of the source. The second factor represents the impact of the cosmic space-time on the properties of the carrier. So, information carried by these particles contain, a part connected to their sources, and another part related to the space-time through which these particles traveled.