In submitting a manuscript for consideration, an author acknowledges that the work contained therein is his or her own and that no part of it has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The author is responsible for obtaining any necessary written permission to reproduce textual material or artwork and for verifying the accuracy of quoted material. In addition, the author agrees to furnish artwork for diagrams and illustrations in an appropriate format. (See the Figures section of these guidelines.)
Article types
Social Science History publishes the following article types:
- Research Articles*
- Special Section Articles*
- Special Issue Articles*
- Special Issue Introductions*
- Advances in Data and Methods*
- Presidential Addresses*
- Symposia*
- Virtual Issue Introductions
- Comments
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
Guidelines for Special Issues, Special Sections, and Book Symposia Proposals
We invite book symposia for SSH. Proposals should include: 1) symposium title and date of SSHA conference panel for the book; 2) names, affiliations, and contact information for all panelists, book authors, and panel organizers; 3) book title, publication date, all other bibliographical information, and a summary of the book’s contribution highlighting cross-disciplinary appeal (no longer than 500 words); 4) an indication that all panelists and authors have agreed to submit the proposal to SSH. Final submissions should be no longer than 9,000 words, with each contribution typically 1000 to 1500 words. Proposals should be submitted to by December 31 following the SSH meetings in November.
We invite special issues and special sections for SSH. Proposals should include: 1) names, affiliations, and contact information for all authors and editors; 2) titles and abstracts for all papers; 3) summary of the special issue or section topic and the contribution of each paper; 4) summary of the broader cross-disciplinary appeal (no longer than 500 words). Final submissions should consist of 7 to 9 papers for special issues or 3-6 papers for special sections. Proposals should be submitted to by December 31 of each calendar year.
Please note: All papers in accepted proposals undergo peer review and must conform to SSH style guidelines.
Advances in Data and Methods
In the past decade, there has been an explosion of methods to analyze social science data, as well as increase in the raw data available to do so! Even what counts as data has been revolutionized. We announce a new series, “Advances in Data and Methods” in Social Science History to keep researchers up to date on these developments. We invite research articles and review essays for this new series that propose, develop or explain new or recently articulated sources and/or methodological techniques for use in social science history. Methods and data can be qualitative or quantitative. In all cases, we envision papers that push open new avenues, in terms of methods and data, to advance research. We invite review essays as well as substantive papers that apply these advances in data and methods. These papers will be published in the journal as they arrive, but they will also be linked in a virtual issue so that they form a series that can be a continuing resource for scholars.
All papers based on accepted proposals undergo editorial review and, if suitable, peer review. All manuscripts must conform to SSH style guidelines. They are all eligible to win the journal prizes: the annual Founder’s Prize, given by Cambridge University Press, and the Biannual Graduate Student Prize. Social Science History has a wide readership, as it goes to all members of the Social Science History Association. To submit a proposal, please send email to with a one-page abstract, a title, your contact information, and a proposed timeline.