The linear differential system
where w is a vector with n components and A is an n by n matrix is said to have z = 0 as a regular singular point if there exists a fundamental matrix of the form
such that S is holomorphic at z = 0 and R is a constant matrix ((1), p. 111; (2), p. 73). For such systems A will have at most a pole at z = 0 and we may write
where p is an integer, Ã is holomorphic at z = 0, and Ã(0) ≠ 0. However, the converse is not true. When p ≦ − 1, A is holomorphic at z = 0, and every fundamental matrix is holomorphic at z = 0. If p ≧ 1, the non-negative integer p is called (after Poincaré) the rank of the singularity and there is a significant difference between the cases p = 0 and p ≧ 1. If p = 0 the linear differential system (1) is known to have z = 0 as a regular singular point ((1), p. 111) ; whereas, if p ≧ 1, z = 0 may or may not be a regular singular point.