Antarctic meteorology and climatology. J.C. King and J. Turner. 1997. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xi + 409 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-521-46560-5. £55.00; US$90.00.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 256-257
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Voyage of Edward Bransfield in the hired brig Williams, 1819–1820: the journal of Midshipman C.W. Poynter, Royal Navy
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 60-61
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The international politics of whaling. Peter J. Stoett. 1997. Vancouver: UBC Press, xii + 228 p, soft cover. ISBN 0-7748-0604-4. $Can24.95.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 348-349
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An alien in Antarctica: reflections upon forty years of exploration and research on the frozen continent. Charles Swithinbank. 1997. Blacksburg, VA: McDonald & Woodward Publishing, xviii + 214 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-939923-43-2. $US49.95.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 153-154
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Greenlanders, whales and whaling: self-determination and sustainability in the Arctic. Richard A. Caulfield. 1997. Hanover, NH, and London: University Press of New England, xiv + 203 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 1 -87451 -810-5. £25.00.
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Creating regimes: Arctic accords and international governance. Oran Young. 1998. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, xii + 230p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-8014-3437-8. £27.50.
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Governing the Antarctic: the effectiveness and legitimacy of the Antarctic Treaty System. Olav Schram Stokke and Davor Vidas (Editors). 1996. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xxii + 464 p, hard cover. ISBN 0-521-57237-1. £55.00; $US85.00.
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A first rate tragedy: Captain Scott's Antarctic expeditions. Diana Preston. 1997. London: Constable & Company, xviii + 269 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-09-476380-1. £16.95.
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Hunting the largest animals: native whaling in the western Arctic and subarctic. Allen P. McCartney (Editor). 1995. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta (Occasional Publication 36). xii + 345 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-919058-95-7.
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Antarctic environmental protection: a collection of Australian and international instruments. Donald R. Rothwell and Ruth Davis (Editors). 1997. Sydney: Federation Press, xii + 306 p, hard cover. ISBN 1-86287-271-6.
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Whales, seals, fish and man. Arnoldus Schytte Blix, Lars Walløe, and Øyvind Ulltang (Editors). 1995. Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon and Tokyo: Elsevier. xiii + 720 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-444-82070-1. Df1 475.00; US$297.00.
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From Middle Ages to colonial times: archaeological and ethnohistorical studies of the Thule culture of south west Greenland 1300–1800 AD. Hans Christian Gulløv. 1997. Copenhagen: Dansk Polar Center. 501 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 87-90369-21-1. DKK 475.
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The silence calling: Australians in Antarctica 1947–97. Tim Bowden. 1997. St Leonards, NSW, and London: Allen & Unwin. xxvii + 593 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 1-86448-311-3. £40.00.
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Gaining ground? Evenkis, land, and reform in southeastern Siberia. Gail A. Fondahl. 1998. Boston, London, Toronto: Allyn and Bacon (Cultural Survival Studies in Ethnicity and Change Series), xiv + 146 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-205-27579-6.
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Making a world of difference: essays on tourism, culture and development in Newfoundland. James Overton. 1996. St. John's, Newfoundland: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, xv + 296 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-919666-73-6. $Can24.95.
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Chemical exchange between the atmosphere and polar snow. Eric W. Wolff and Roger C. Bales (Editors). 1996. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag (NATO ASI Series I, Volume 43). xi + 675 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 3-540-61280-7. DM398.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 64-66
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Constitutional and economic space of the small Nordic jurisdictions. Lise Lyck (Editor). 1997. Stockholm: Nordiska Institutet för Regionalpolitisk Forskning. 215 p, soft cover. ISBN 91-88808-18-1. SEK350.
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Safe passage questioned: medical care & safety for the polar tourist. John M. Levinson and Errol Ger (Editors). 1998. Centreville, MD: Cornell Maritime Press, xiv + 178 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-87033-504-9. $US24.95.
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A history of Antarctica. Stephen Martin. 1996. Sydney: State Library of New South Wales Press. 272 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-7310-6601-4. $Aus65.00.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 158-159
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Native libraries: cross-cultural conditions in the Circumpolar countries. Gordon Hills. 1997. London and Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, xvi + 361 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-8108-3138-4. $US59.50.
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