Polar Record, Vol 14, No 93, 1969
H. Simpson's expedition to the North Pole, 1969
Page 820, line 5 For 400 km which took twenty three days read 640 kmwhich took 32 days.
Page 820, line 15 For all three read Tufft.
Page 820, line 21 For lat 80°50N read lat 84° 42'N.
The party turned back on 27 March and reached Ward Hut Island on 6 April after 45 days on the sea ice. Dr Simpson adds: The scientific investigations into whether human circadian rhythms (body temperature, hormone and electrolyte excretion) desynchronize from the 24-h period on the polar pack ice and also a study of the minimum protein requirement in polar rations on a manhauling expedition, will be published in 1971. A full account of the expedition with tabulations of distances, weather etc appears in Due North by Myrtle Simpson (London, Gollancz, 1969).
Polar Record, Vol 15, No 97, 1969
Page 579, line 56 For melting read freezing.