The aggregate/hydrated paste interface represents the weakest link in very high strength river gravel concrete, due to the surface smoothness of these aggregates.
Microstructural examination of the aggregate/hydrated paste interface in four different (very low W/C ratio) very high strength concretes with and without silica fume shows major differences in the nature of the transition zone at the interface level. In the non-silica fume concretes, hydrated lime and ettringite are found quite exclusively at the interface, while in silica fume concretes, only C-S-H is observed.
The modulus of elasticity can be correlated to the compressive strength by the equation,
, with a low correlation index (78%) for non-silica fume concrete, whereas in silica fume concrete it becomes
MPa, with excellent correlation in ex of 95%.
These results can be explained by the nature of the aggregate/hydrated paste interface, which is stronger in silica fume concrete.