Spray dried absorption products (SDA) having special characteristics are used as substitutes for cement in the preparation of mortars; the qualities of the resulting mixed mortars are described. Conditions are described for mortar mixes, data for which were presented at the MRS Fall Meeting 1987.
The influence of the composition of the SDA on water requirement and setting time has been studied. A full scale project involving 3 precast, reinforced concrete front-elements containing 20 and 30 wt.% SDA is described. Strength development, mineralogical composition and corrosion were monitored for two years.
A non-standard freeze-thaw experiment was performed which compares mortars containing SDA and fly ash (FA) and also shows the effect of superplasticizer.
The possibility of improving the SDA by grinding has been tested and a limited improvement has been found. The strength of the mixed mortars seems slightly influenced by the grain size of SDA
Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), synthetic calcium-sulphite (CaSO3·½H2O) and 2 SDAs have been used as retarders for cement clinker. Mortar test prisms have been cast and comparative strengths after curing for 3 years are reported