As part of an on-going research program, findings are presented from a comparison of the microstructures and associated tensile properties of fcc and bcc materials after high energy proton irradiation, to fluences between 10−4 and 1 dpa, at 300-320 K. Results for this comparison between Cu, Pd, 304 and 316 stainless steel on one side and Fe and the F82H ferritic-martensitic low activation steel on the other are discussed, showing a strong difference in defect accumulation behaviour between the differing crystal structures. The overall deformation behaviour is similar, with an initial localised deformation taking place in all cases, even though the actual deformation mode itself might be different. Furthermore, a comparison is made with some of the materials that have also been irradiated with fission neutrons, showing no influence of the PKA spectra for these irradiation conditions.