Atomic-scale resolution scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images of cleaved (0001) surfaces of the hexagonal tungsten bronze, Rbl/3WO3, show two distinct contrast patterns. We have interpreted these images using simulated constant current STM topographs. These simulations are constructed based on calculations of the tunnel current as a function of the lateral and vertical position above the surface. By calculating simulated images for the limiting cases of different termination layers, different tip sizes, and different electronic structures, it is possible to systematically explore the important parameters and choose a model that most closely matches the experimental observations. In this case, we conclude that two distinct termination layers have been imaged, a W-O terminated surface and a Rb-O terminated surface. Also, we have found that the O atoms on the W-O surface relax to new positions nearer the 6-fold axis of rotational symmetry. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this model are discussed.