Amongst the specimens recently selected for the British Museum from the collection of South American minerals brought together by the late Theodor Hohmann, are two on which occurs a mineral in thin laminae resembling graphite. From the locality and associations, the mineral was at first presumed to be either franckeite or cylindrite, the two sulphantimonite-sulphostannates of lead from Bolivia, which were described in 1893 by Stelzner and Frenzel respectively. Qualitative analysis, however, soon showed that, although similar to them in physical characters, it differed chemically from both franckeite and cylindrite in containing no antimony, but only lead, tin, and sulphur.
Of the two specimens from the Hohmann collection, one was labelled ‘sulphoselenide of lead from Bolivia,’ and the other ‘selenide of lead from Atacama,’ so that unfortunately the precise locality of the mineral is at present unknown. In all probability both specimens came from the same district in Bolivla, since in appearance they are very similar.