Book Reviews
Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra and Hilary Marland, Cultures of child health in Britain and the Netherlands in the twentieth century, Clio Medica 71, The Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine, Amsterdam and New York, Rodopi, 2003, pp. vi, 317 (hardback 90-420-1054-1), (paperback 90-420-1044-4).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 393-394
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Florence Bretelle-Establet, La santé en Chine du sud (1898–1928), Collection Asie orientale, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2002, pp. xv, 239, illus., €30.00 (paperback 2-271-06010-9).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 529-530
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Charles F Wooley, The irritable hear of soldiers and the origins of Anglo-American cardiology: the US Civil War (1861) to World War I (1918), The History of Medicine in Context, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp. xvi, 321, illus., £57.50, (hardback 0-7546-0595-7).
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- 26 July 2012, p. 139
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Andreas Vesalius, On the fabric of the human body. Book III: The veins and arteries. Book IV: The nerves, a translation of De humani corporis fabrica libri septem by William Frank Richardson, in collaboration with John Burd Carman, Novato, CA, Norman Publishing, 2002, pp. xxxiv, 286, illus., US$250.00 (hardback 0-930405-83-8).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 278-279
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Otto Magnus, Rudolf Magnus, physiologist and pharmacologist, 1873–1927, ed. Louis M Schoonhooven Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. xii, 350, illus., €57.00 (hardback 90-6984-327-7).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 530-531
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John Waller, Fabulous science: fact and fiction in the history of scientific discovery, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. xi, 308, illus., £18.99 (hardback 0-19-280404-9).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 394-395
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Elisabeth Hsu (ed.), Innovation in Chinese medicine, Needham Research Institute Series, No. 3, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. xv, 426. £55.00, US$80.00 (hardback 0-521-80068-4)
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 279-280
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Michael Neve and Sharon Messenger (eds), Charles Darwin: autobiographies, Penguin Classics, London, Penguin Books, 2002, pp. xxvi, 98, £6.99, US$11.00 (paperback 0-14-043390-2).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 139-140
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Charlotte A Roberts, Mary E Lewis and K Manchester (eds), The past and present of leprosy: archaeological, historical, palaeopathological and clinical approaches. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Evolution and Palaeoepidemiology of the Infectious Diseases 3 (ICEPID), University of Bradford 26–31 July 1999, BAR International Series 1054, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2002, pp. viii, 311, illus., £42.00 (paperback 1-84171-434-8).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 280-282
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Notes and Records of the Royal Society: A Journal of the History of Science, Millennium Issue, January 2001, 55 (1), ed. Alan Cook, pp. 181, illus., £15.00, US$23.00. Orders to: The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AG, UK.
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 140-141
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Peter Vinten-Johansen, Howard Brody, Nigel Paneth, Stephen Rachman, Michael Rip, with the assistance of David Zuck, Cholera, chloroform and the science of medicine: a life of John Snow, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. xv, 437, illus., £39.95 (hardback 0-19-513544-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 531-532
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Robert S Desowitz, Federal bodysnatchers and the New Guinea virus: tales of parasites, people and politics, New York and London, W W Norton, 2002, pp. x, 262, £19.95 (hardback 0-393-05185-4).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 395-396
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Mridula Ramanna, Western medicine and public health in colonial Bombay 1845–1895, New Perspectives in South Asian History, Delhi, Orient Longman, 2002, pp. xii, 270, Rs. 550.00 (hardback 81-250-2302-X).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 396-397
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David L Cowen, Pharmacopoeias and related literature in Britain and America, 1618–1847, Variorum Collected Studies Series: CS700, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, pp. ix, 296, illus., £55.00 (hardback 0-86078-842-3).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 532-533
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Roland Andréani, Henri Michel and Elie Pélaquier (eds), Hellénisme et hippocratisme dans l'Europe méditerranéenne: autour de D. Coray, Montpellier, Université Paul-Valéry, 2000, pp. 304, €22.87 (paperback 2-84269-383-3).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 282-283
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Robert Arnott (ed.), The archaeology of medicine. Papers given at a session of the annual conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group held at the University of Birmingham on 20 December 1998, BAR International series 1046, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2002, pp. v, 128, illus., £25.00 (paperback 1-84171-427-5).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 141-142
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Doris Zaugg, Musik und Pharmazie: Apotheker und Arzneimittel in der Oper, publications of the Société Suisse d'Histoire de la Pharmacie, vol. 20, Lieberfeld, SGGP/SSHP, 2001, pp. 468, illus., SFr 45.00 (paperback 3-9520758-7-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 283-284
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H F J Horstmanshoff, A M Luyendijk-Elshout and F G Schlesinger (eds and trs), The four seasons of human life: four anonymous engravings from the Trent Collection, Rotterdam and Durham, Erasmus Publishing and Trent Collection, Duke University, 2002, pp. 109, €85.00 (including CD Rom) (hardback 90-5235-136-8).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 533-534
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Joanna Grant, A Chinese physician: Wang Ji and the ‘Stone Mountain medical case histories’, Needham Research Institute Series, London and New York, RoutledgeCurzon, 2003, pp. xi, 209, illus., £55.00 (hardback 0-415-29758-3)
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 397-399
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Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and Christine Blondel (eds), Des savants face à l'occulte, 1870–1940, Sciences et Société, Paris, Éditions la Découverte, 2002, pp. 234, €17.50 (paperback 2-7071-3616-6).
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- 26 July 2012, pp. 142-144
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