Let (R, m) be a 2-dimensional regular local ring and I an m-primary ideal. The aim of this paper is to find conditions on I so that the associated graded ring of I,
and the Rees ring of I,
where t is an indeterminate, are Cohen–Macaulay (resp. Gorenstein). To this end, we use the results and techniques from Zariski's theory of complete ideals ([14], appendix 5) and its later generalizations and refinements due to Huneke [7] and Lipman[8]. The main result is an application of three deep theorems: (i) a generalization of Macaulay's classical theorem on Hilbert series of Gorenstein graded rings [13], (ii) a generalization of the Briançon–Skoda theorem due to Lipman and Sathaye [9], and (iii) a formula for the length of R/I, where I is a complete m-primary ideal, due to Hoskin[4] and Deligne[1].