1. Introduction
Throughout this paper, the base field k of varieties is an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. We study pairs
consisting of a smooth variety A of dimension
and an “
${\Bbb R}$
which means
, where
’s are non-zero coherent ideal sheaves on A and
$e=(e_1,\ldots,e_r)\in {{\Bbb R}^r_{>0}}$
. We fix a closed point
$0\in A$
The minimal log discrepancy (“mld” for short)
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is an important invariant to measure the singularity of the pair
at 0 and plays important roles in birational geometry. We consider every prime divisor over A with the center at 0 and construct a “good model” of the divisor to approximate the mld. The prototype is as follows:
Theorem 1·1 ([
Reference Kawakita9
Reference Ishii6
]). Assume
. For every prime divisor E over A with the center at 0, there exists a prime divisor F obtained by one weighted blow-up with the center at 0 satisfying

for every
${\Bbb R}$
such that
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq0$
The inequality in the theorem implies that F is a better divisor to approximate the
. Therefore the theorem states that every prime divisor over A with the center at 0 has a better divisor which is obtained in a simple procedure. Here, we note that F is constructed from E and does not depend on the choice of an
${\Bbb R}$
Actually, in the paper [
Reference Kawakita9
] and [
Reference Ishii6
], the main theorem is not stated in this form, but its proof shows Theorem 1·1. The paper [
Reference Kawakita9
] is for
${\textrm{char }} k=0$
, and the paper [
Reference Ishii6
] is for
${\textrm{char }} k=p>0$
and the main statements of both papers are in the following form:
Corollary 1·2 ([
Reference Kawakita9
Reference Ishii6
]). Assume
. Then, for every pair
, the minimal log discrepancy
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by a prime divisor obtained by one weighted blow-up.
The corollary follows from the theorem immediately. See, for example, the proof of Corollary 1·9 in Section 5.
When we consider the case
, we can see that one weighted blow-up is not sufficient to obtain a prime divisor computing the mld (see Example 3·3). On the other hand, in the example we can also show that the mld is computed by a prime divisor obtained by two weighted blow-ups. So it is natural to expect the following conjecture:
Conjecture 1·3. Assume
. For every prime divisor E over A with the center at 0, there exists a prime divisor F centered at 0 obtained by at most
weighted blow-ups satisfying

for every
${\Bbb R}$
such that
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq0$
As an immediate consequence of the conjecture, we obtain the following:
Conjecture 1·4 (Corollary of Conjecture 1·3). Assume
. Then, for every pair
, the minimal log discrepancy
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by a prime divisor obtained by at most
weighted blow-ups.
One of the motivations of the conjectures is that it is considered as a “weighted blow-up version” of Mustaţă–Nakamura Conjecture (MN-Conjecture for short):
Conjecture 1·5 (MN-Conjecture [
Reference Mustaţă and Nakamura13
].) Fix N and the exponent e of
${\Bbb R}$
-ideals. Then, there exists a number
$\ell_{N,e}\in {\Bbb N}$
depending only on N and e such that for any
${\Bbb R}$
with the exponent e the minimal log discrepancy
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by a prime divisor obtained by at most
times blow-ups. Here, the blow-up means the “usual blow-up”, i.e., blow-up with the center at an irreducible reduced closed subset.
If this conjecture holds, then ACC Conjecture for these pairs holds ([ Reference Mustaţă and Nakamura13 ]), so it seems to be a significant conjecture. On the other hand, MN-Conjecture is equivalent to a reasonable conjecture on arc spaces ([ Reference Ishii5 ]), so it makes sense to study it.
Note that MN-Conjecture requires to fix an exponent e, while the weighted blow-up versions (Conjecture 1·3, 1·4) do not require it. Assume Conjecture 1·3 holds, it is also an interesting question whether the weights of the blow-ups can be bound uniformly in terms of exponents. This will strengthen the MN-Conjecture.
Another motivation of Conjecture 1·3 is for the project to bridge between positive characteristic and characteristic 0 ([ Reference Ishii5 ]). In [ Reference Ishii5 ], we have:
Lemma 1·6. Let
be an
${\Bbb R}$
-ideal on a smooth variety
over k (
${\textrm{char }} k=p>0)$
and E a prime divisor over
${\textrm{mld}}(0_k;\, A_k,{\mathfrak{a}})$
If there exists an
${\Bbb R}$
on a smooth variety
$A_{\Bbb C}$
${\Bbb C}$
and a prime divisor
$\widetilde{E} $
$(A_{\Bbb C}, 0_{\Bbb C})$
, where
$0_{\Bbb C}\in A_{\Bbb C}$
such that
$\widetilde{\mathfrak{a}} ({\textrm{mod}}\ p)={\mathfrak{a}}$ (see [ Reference Ishii5 ] for the definition of (mod p))
$a(\widetilde{E};\, A_{\Bbb C}, \widetilde{\mathfrak{a}})\leq a(E;\, A_k, {\mathfrak{a}})$ ,
${\textrm{mld}}(0_{\Bbb C};\, A_{\Bbb C}, \widetilde{\mathfrak{a}})={\textrm{mld}}(0_k;\, A_k, {\mathfrak{a}})$
Remark 1·7. In particular, if such
exist for every
and E and assume that
${\textrm{mld}}(0_k;\, A_k,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by a divisor, then the set of
${\textrm{mld}}(0_k;\, A_k, {\mathfrak{a}})$
’s is contained in the set of
${\textrm{mld}}(0_{\Bbb C};\, A_{\Bbb C}, {\mathfrak{b}})$
’s. Therefore, if we fix the exponent e and the dimension N of
, then the number of the values
$\Lambda_e\;:\!=\,\{{\textrm{mld}}(0_k, A_k, {\mathfrak{a}}) \mid {\mathfrak{a}} \ \mbox{is} \, {a} \ $
$\mbox{ ideal} \, \mbox{with} \, \mbox{the exponent} \, {e}\}$
is finite for
${\textrm{char }} k>0$
, because it is proved to be finite in characteristic 0 by [
Reference Kawakita8
]. Similarly, if ACC holds in characteristic 0, then it also holds in positive characteristic.
Now, the problem is to construct appropriate
for given E and
. If Conjecture 1·3 holds, we can reduce this problem to a divisor F of special type (i.e., obtained by at most
weighted blow-ups), which seems easier to handle.
The main results of this paper are the following:
Theorem 1·8. Assume
. For every prime divisor E over A with the center at 0, there exists a prime divisor F centered at 0 obtained by at most two weighted blow-ups satisfying

for every “general”
${\Bbb R}$
for E such that
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq0$
The terminology “general” will be defined in Definition 4·9. The weighted blow-ups will be constructed by “squeezed” blow-ups (see, Definition 4·4) depending only on E and it works for every general ideal. Here, “general” is necessary, because there exists an example of non-general ideal such that two squeezed blow-ups do not give the required divisor in the theorem (cf. Example 5·5). But it does not give a counter example for Conjecture 1·3, indeed for the example there exists another sequence of weighted blow-ups to obtain the required divisor (see, also Example 5·5).
As a corollary we obtain:
Corollary 1·9. Assume
. Then, for every pair
with a “general”
${\Bbb R}$
, the minimal log discrepancy
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by a prime divisor obtained by at most two weighted blow-ups.
It is known as the Zariski’s sequence that every prime divisor E over A with the center at 0 is obtained by successive usual blow-ups from A, such that the centers of blow-ups are the center of E on each step ([ Reference Kollár11 , VI, 1·3]). The following corollary shows that in some cases, we obtain the two weighted blow-ups to compute the mld by just looking at the center of the second blow-up in the Zariski’s sequence.
Corollary 1·10 (Corollary 5·9). Assume
. Let E be a prime divisor over A computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
for a pair
. Let
$A_1\longrightarrow A$
be the first usual blow-up with the center at 0 in the Zariski’s sequence. Assume that the center
$C\subset A_1$
of E is a curve of degree
$\geq 2$
in the exceptional divisor
$E_1\simeq {\Bbb P}^2$
. Then a weighted blow-up which is called “squeezed blow-up” at C gives a divisor computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
Note that in this case the first blow-up is also a squeezed blow-up. Example 3·3 is just in this case. In Section 5, we show a more general corollary. On the other hand, if we restrict to the case
${\textrm{mld}}\geq 1$
, then we have the following:
Theorem 1·11. Assume
. Then, for every general pair
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 1$
, the minimal log discrepancy is computed by a prime divisor obtained by one weighted blow-up.
Corollary 1·12. Assume
. In

the Mustaţă–Nakamura Conjecture holds and also the ACC Conjecture holds for
${\textrm{char }} k\geq 0$
. Here, ACC Conjecture means that the set of
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
for the pairs in the subset
$\Lambda_J\subset \Lambda$
consisting of
${\Bbb R}$
-pairs with the exponents in
$J\subset {\Bbb R}_{>0}$
satisfies the Ascending Chain Condition. Here, J is a DCC set.
The corollary follows from Theorem 1·11 in the same way as in the proof of [ Reference Ishii6 , corollary 1·6], since the mld is computed by one weighted blow-up.
This paper is organised as follows: in Section 2 we prepare basic terminologies which will be used in this paper. In Section 3 we discuss about weighted blow-up at a (not necessarily closed) smooth point and basic formula on weighted projective space, that is the exceptional divisor appearing in a weighted blow-up. In Section 4 we construct an appropriate regular system of parameter (RSP for short) with the weight, in order to make a weighted blow-up. In Section 5 we give the proofs of the main results.
2. Preliminaries
Let A be an N-dimensional smooth variety defined over an algebraically closed field k. We fix a closed point
$0\in A$
Definition 2·1. We call E a prime divisor over A, if there is a proper birational morphism
$\varphi:\; A' \longrightarrow A$
from a normal variety A
′ on which E is an irreducible divisor. The generic point
$P\in A$
of the image
is called the center of E on A. In this case, we sometimes call E a prime divisor over (A, P).
Definition 2·2. For a prime divisor E over a non-singular variety A, let
$\varphi:\; A'\longrightarrow A$
be a proper birational morphism with normal A
′ such that E appears on A
′. Let
(or sometimes written as
) be the coefficient of the relative canonical divisor
at E and
the valuation defined by the prime divisor E. Here, note that
) does not depend on the choice of A
be an
${\Bbb R}$
-ideal on A as in the beginning of the first section and
’s are the exponents. The log discrepancy of the pair
at E is defined as

and the minimal log discrepancy of the pair at a closed point 0 is defined as

It is known that for
$N\geq 2$
, either
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})=-\infty$
holds. For
, we define
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})=-\infty$
if the left-hand side is negative, by abuse of notation, because it is convenient to describe the Inversion of adjunction.
Definition 2·3. We say that a prime divisor E over A with the center at 0 computes
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
if either
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})={\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
(when the right-hand side is
$\geq 0$
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})<0$
(when the mld is
Remark 2·4. Assume there exists a log resolution of the pair
$(A, {\mathfrak{a}}{\mathfrak{m}}_0)$
, where
is the maximal ideal defining
$0\in A$
. If
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
, then, on every such resolution there is a prime divisor computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. If
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})=-\infty$
$Z({\mathfrak{a}})\subset A$
contains an irreducible component of codimension one, there may not exist a prime divisor computing the mld among the exceptional divisors appearing in a given log resolution (cf. [
Reference Ein and Mustaţă3
, proposition 7·2]). But in this case, if we construct an appropriate log resolution of
$(A, {\mathfrak{a}}{\mathfrak{m}}_0)$
by taking more blowing-ups from the given one, a prime divisor computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
appears on that. Therefore, for
${\textrm{char }} k=0$
$N\leq 3$
, every pair
$(A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
has a prime divisor computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
, since there is a log resolution for every pair.
3. Weighted blow-ups and weighted projective spaces
In this section A is always a smooth variety of dimension
defined over an algebraically closed field k and
$P\in A$
is a (not necessarily closed) point.
Definition 3·1. Let
$x_1,\ldots, x_c$
be an RSP of a regular local ring R with the algebraically closed residue field and
be positive integers with
. For
$n\in {\Bbb N}$
, denote by
$\mathcal I_n$
the ideal in R generated by all monomials
$x_1^{s_1}\cdots x_c^{s_c}$
such that
$\sum_{i=1}^c s_iw_i\geq n$
. The weighted blow-up of
${\textrm{Spec }} R$
$wt_w(x_1,\ldots, x_c)=(w_1,\ldots, w_c)$
is the canonical projection:

The exceptional divisor E for the weighted blow-up is called a prime divisor obtained by a weighted blow-up of A at P.
More generally, let
$P\in A$
be a smooth point with the not-necessarily-algebraically closed residue field K. Let
be the algebraic closure of the residue field of
${\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
. A weighted blow-up of A at the point P
is the canonical morphism induced from a weighted blow-up
$\overline{A}\longrightarrow {\textrm{Spec }} {\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
for some RSP
$x_1,\ldots, x_c$
${\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
$wt_w(x_1,\ldots, x_c)=(w_1,\ldots, w_c)$
for some
$ (w_1,\ldots, w_c)\in {\Bbb Z}^c_{>0}$
, where
${\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
is the extension of the formal power series ring
$\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
over K to the one over
. Let
be the prime divisor obtained by the weighted blow-up
$\overline{A}\longrightarrow {\textrm{Spec }} {\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
. The prime divisor E over A with the center at P corresponding to
is called a prime divisor obtained by a weighted blow-up of A at P. Note that if
${\overline{E}} $
gives a valuation
$\overline v$
and the valuation ring
${\mathcal O}_{\overline v}$
, the prime divisor E corresponds to the valuation v whose valuation ring is
$K(A)\cap {\mathcal O}_{\overline v}$
Note that weighted blow-ups are only defined at smooth points.
Here, we show a 3-dimensional example that the minimal log discrepancy is not computed by a divisor obtained by only one weighted blow-up, but computed by a divisor obtained by two weighted blow-ups.
The following are well known, for example see [ Reference Kawakita10 , remark 2·6, lemma 2·7].
Remark 3·2. Let
$P\in A$
be a point of a smooth variety with the residue field K.
(1) The set of prime divisors over A with the center at P corresponds bijectively to the set of prime divisors over
$\widehat A\;:\!=\,{\textrm{Spec }} \widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$ with the center at the closed point. Moreover, if prime divisors E and
$\widehat E$ correspond under the above bijection, then for every
${\Bbb R}$ -ideal
${\mathfrak{a}}$ on A we have
$v_E({\mathfrak{a}})=v_{\widehat E}({\mathfrak{a}})$ and also
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})=a(\widehat E,\widehat A, {\mathfrak{a}}{\mathcal O}_{\widehat A})$ .
(2) Let
$K'\supset K$ be a field extension and
$A'\;:\!=\,{\textrm{Spec }} K'\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$ . Then, there is a surjective map from the set of prime divisors over A ′ with the center at the closed point to the set of prime divisors over A with the center at P. If prime divisors E ′ and E correspond by the above surjective map, then it follows
$a(E';\, A', {\mathfrak{a}}{\mathcal O}_{A'})=a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})$ for every
${\Bbb R}$ -ideal
${\mathfrak{a}}$ on A.
Example 3·3. Assume
${\textrm{char }} k\neq 2,5$
. Let
$A\;:\!=\,{\Bbb A}_k^3$
, where

Then, a divisor computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})=0$
is not obtained by one weighted blow-up ([
Reference Kollár, Smith and Corti12
, exercise 6·45]).
On the other hand, there is a sequence of weighted blow-ups

is the usual blow-up at 0 and
is a weighted blow-up with weight (1, 2) at the generic point of the curve
$E_1={\Bbb P}_k^2$
. Here,
is the exceptional divisor for
. The exceptional divisor
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})=0$
The following lemma for a weighted projective space with a special weight is used for our main results. The statement is easily generalised to higher dimensional case, but for simplicity of notation we state here only for 2-dimensional case.
Lemma 3·4. Let
$r\leq s$
be positive integers such that
. Let
$g\in k[x_1,x_2,x_3]$
be a weighted homogeneous polynomial with respect to the weight
$Q\in {\Bbb P}_k(r,r,s)$
a closed point not contained in the coordinate planes, i.e.,
$Q\not\in (x_1\cdot x_2\cdot x_3=0)$
. Let
$\ell\in k[x_1,x_2,x_3]$
be a weighted homogeneous polynomial of
such that
. If
$\ell \not| g$
, then it follows

$L\subset {\Bbb P}_k(r,r,s)$
is the divisor defined by
${\Bbb P}_k(r,r,s)$
Proof. As
${\textrm{ord}}_Qg\leq {\textrm{ord}}_Q(g\mid _{\ell})$
, the first inequality is trivial. We will show the second inequality. Let
$G\subset {\Bbb P}_k(r,r,s)$
be the subscheme defined by
${\Bbb P}_k(r,r,s)$
. Let

be the canonical covering. Then, as
has no common irreducible components, Bezout’s theorem on
${\Bbb P}^2$

In case
${\textrm{char }} k=0$
${\textrm{char }} k=p>0$
$p\not| r\cdot s$
, the morphism
is étale around Q. Therefore,
consists of
$r^2\cdot s$
closed points
$\{Q_i\mid {i=1, \ldots, r^2\cdot s}\}$
whose analytic neighbourhoods of
are isomorphic to those of G and L at Q, respectively. Then, by (1) we obtain

which yields the required inequality.
In case
$p | r$
, denote
$r=p^e\cdot q$
). Then, the fiber
consists of
$q^2\cdot s$
closed points, as a topological space. For a closed point
$i=1,\ldots, q^2\cdot s$
) in the fiber
we obtain

are the maximal ideals of
$Q\in {\Bbb P}(r,r,s)$
and of
$Q_i\in {\Bbb P}^2$
, respectively. Let
$C\subset {\Bbb P}^2$
be the subscheme with the reduced structure of
. Then, we have

are the maximal ideals of
$Q\in L$
and of
$Q_i\in C$
, respectively. Therefore, for every
$i=1,\ldots, q^2\cdot s$
it follows

Now, there are
$q\cdot s$
lying on C. Then, by Bezout’s theorem on
${\Bbb P}^2$
for C and
, we obtain

Here noting that
$q\cdot s\cdot p^e=r\cdot s$
, this is the required inequality.
In case
$p | s$
, the proof is similar.
4. Squeezed systems and squeezed blow-ups
Let A be a variety of dimension
over an algebraically closed field k.
Definition 4·1. Let
$P\in A$
be a smooth point (not necessarily closed), K the residue field, and E a prime divisor over A with the center at P. Denote the algebraic closure of K by
. An RSP
$\{x_1,\ldots, x_c\} $
${\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
at the closed point is called a squeezed system for E at P, if
$i=1,\ldots, c$
) satisfy:
$v_1=\cdots=v_{c-1}\leq v_c$ ;
$v_1\;:\!=\,\min\{v_E(x)\mid x\in {\mathfrak{m}}\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}^2\}$ ;
$v_c\;:\!=\,\max\{v_E(x)\mid x\in {\mathfrak{m}}\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}^2\}$ ;
${\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
is the extension of the coefficient field K of the formal power series ring
${\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
, and
${\mathfrak{m}} \subset {\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
is the maximal ideal.
In this case,

is called a squeezed weight for E at P.
Let E and
$v'=(v^{\prime}_1,\ldots, v^{\prime}_c) $
be as above. In this case, we call E a prime divisor of squeezed type v
Note that the squeezed weight for E is determined by a prime divisor but squeezed system is not uniquely determined by the prime divisor E.
Remark 4·2. For every A, P and E as in Definition 4·1, there exists a squeezed system of
${\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
. Indeed, it is obvious that there is
$x_1\in{\mathfrak{m}}\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}^2$
such that
is the minimal value among
$\{v_E(x)\mid x\in {\mathfrak{m}}\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}^2\}$
. Existence of the maximal
among the set is proved by Zariski’s subspace theorem (cf. [
Reference Abhyankar1
, (10·6)]). Now, we extend
to an RSP
${\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
. Here, if
$v_E(x_i)> v_E(x_1)$
$2\leq i \leq r-1$
, replace
. Then, we obtain a squeezed system
Actually in [ Reference Kawakita9 ] and [ Reference Ishii6 ], the proofs of Theorem 1·1 show the following:
Example 4·3 (Theorem 1·1). For every prime divisor E over a smooth surface A with the center at 0 such that
$a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
for an
${\Bbb R}$
on A. Then, the exceptional divisor
obtained by a squeezed blow-up for E satisfies

Definition 4·4. Let A, P and E as above and let
be a squeezed system for E and
be the squeezed weight. We call the weighted blow-up of weight v
′ with respect to the coordinate system
a squeezed blow-up for E.
Remark 4·5. As in the definitions, a squeezed system is a RSP in the local ring with extended coefficient field. A squeezed system is not in general a RSP of the original local ring
${\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
Example 4·6. Let
$A_K\;:\!=\,{\textrm{Spec }} K[[y,z]]$
$A_{\overline{K}}\;:\!=\,{\textrm{Spec }} {\overline{K}}[[y,z]]$
, where
is the algebraic closure of K. Take an element
$a\in {\overline{K}}\setminus K$
and let
$\phi\in K[T]$
be the minimal polynomial of a. Let
$\varphi_1\;:\;A_1\longrightarrow A_K$
be the usual blow-up at the closed point of
. Then the exceptional divisor
is the projective line
${\Bbb P}_K^1$
with the homogeneous coordinates
. Denote the homogenised polynomial of
$\Phi(y,z)\;:\!=\,z^{\deg \phi}\phi(y/z)$
. Take the blow-up
$\varphi_2:\; A_2\longrightarrow A_1$
with the center at the closed subscheme C defined by the ideal
. As the proper transforms of any curves defined by linear forms
$c,d\in K$
) on
do not intersect to C, it follows
. Therefore, every RSP
$\{ f_1, f_2\}$
of K[[y,z]] satisfies
On the other hand, take the base change
$\psi:\; A_{\overline{K}}\longrightarrow A_K$
by the field extension
${\overline{K}}\supset K$
. Let
$z'\;:\!=\,y-az\in {\overline{K}}[[y,z]]$
. Then, the proper transform of the curve defined by
contains the point
$(a:1)\in {\Bbb P}_{\overline{K}}^1={\overline{E}}_1$
is the exceptional divisor of the blow-up at the closed point of
. As
$(a:1)\in {\overline{E}}_1$
, the proper transform of
intersects the center of the second blow-up induced from
. One can see that
, and therefore a squeezed system cannot be taken from K[[y,z]].
Now we are going to define “general” ideal.
Definition 4·7. Let E be a prime divisor over A of squeezed type
$(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2, v^{\prime}_3)$
(note that
) and let
be the exceptional divisor obtained by the squeezed blow-up with respect to a squeezed system
An irreducible curve
$B\subset E_1={\Bbb P}(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2, v^{\prime}_3)$
with the following properties is called a bad curve for E on
(1) B is a curve of degree
$v^{\prime}_1$ with respect to
$(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2, v^{\prime}_3)$ . (In the discussions on a weighted projective space, “degree” always means degree with respect to
$(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2, v^{\prime}_3)$ , and it is sometimes denoted by
$\deg_{v^{\prime}}$ .)
(2) B contains the center of E.
Lemma 4·8. Under the setting of Definition 4·7, the following hold:
(i) A bad curve does not always exist. More precisely a bad curve does not exist if and only if one of the following holds;
(a) the squeezed weight is (1, 1, 1); or
(b) the squeezed weight
$(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2,v^{\prime}_3)$ satisfies
$v^{\prime}_1<v^{\prime}_3$ and the center of E on
$A_1$ is a curve of
$\deg_{v^{\prime}}\ >v^{\prime}_1$ on
$E_1\simeq {\Bbb P}(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2,v^{\prime}_3)$ ; or
$E=E_1$ .
(ii) If a bad curve exists, then it is unique in
$E_1$ .
Proof. It is clear that if
, then the center of E on
is the generic point, so there is no bad curve on
. We exclude this trivial case in the following discussions. In case the squeezed blow-up is the usual blow-up, then the exceptional divisor does not have a bad curve. Because if B is a bad curve, it is defined by linear form
$\ell=\sum_i a_iX_i=0 $
$a_3\neq 0$
, where
is the projective coordinate system on
$E_1={\Bbb P}^2$
corresponding to the squeezed system
${\mathcal O}_{A,0}$
. This is a contradiction to the fact that (1, 1, 1) is the squeezed system, as we obtain another RSP
$\{x_1,x_2, \ell(x_1)\}$
such that

Here, we give the proof of this inequality, as this kind of discussion is used frequently in this paper.
$\varphi_1\;:\;A_1\longrightarrow A$
be the squeezed blow-up and
$\psi :\;\widetilde A\longrightarrow A_1$
a birational morphism on which E appears. Denote the composite
$\varphi_1\circ \psi $
. Let D be the proper transform of
$Z(\ell(x_i))\subset A$
, then
$D\cap E_1 $
contains the center of E on
by the assumption. Note that we can express

Here, we remind the reader that
is the coefficient of the divisor
at the component E. The center of E on
is contained in D, therefore the contribution from
is positive. Therefore,
$v_E(\ell(x_i))> r v_E(E_1)=v_{E_1}(\ell(x_i))v_E(E_1)=v_E(x_1)$
. This shows the inequality (2).
For the case where
is an exceptional divisor of a squeezed blow-up with respect to
$(v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_2, v^{\prime}_3)$
, if the center C of E on
is a curve of degree
, then there is no bad curve. Because, a curve of degree
cannot contain a curve of degree
. This gives the proof of “if” part of (i).
Assume a bad curve exists on
. When the center of E on
is a curve, then it should coincide with the bad curve by the definition, therefore the center should be of degree
. When the center of E on
is a closed point P, then a bad curve should contain P. Express the point P by the homogeneous coordinates (a,b,c) with
$a,b,c\in k$
. Then a curve of degree
containing P is defined by
. Now we obtain the uniqueness of the bad curve on
. This completes the proof of “only if” part of (i) and the proof of (ii).
Definition 4·9. Let E be a prime divisor over a smooth variety A with the center at a closed point 0. An
${\Bbb R}$
is called general for E if there exists a squeezed blow-up
$ A_1\longrightarrow A$
for E with the exceptional divisor
satisfying the following:
${\textrm{ord}}_B{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{E_1}\leq 1$ , where B is the bad curve on
$E_1$ and
${\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}$ is the weak transform of
${\mathfrak{a}}$ at
$A_1$ . If there is no bad curve on
$E_1$ , then we account it as the inequality automatically holds;
(2) in addition, if
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})<a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$ and the center P of E on
$A_1$ is a smooth closed point, then there exists a squeezed blow-up
$A_2\longrightarrow A_1$ for E at P. Let
$E_2$ be the exceptional divisor. Then,
${\textrm{ord}}_{B^{\prime}}I_L{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}\leq 1$ , where B ′ is the bad curve on
$E_2$ ,
${\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}$ is the weak transform of
${\mathfrak{a}}$ at
$A_2$ and
$I_L$ is the defining ideal of the intersection
$L\;:\!=\,E_2\cap E^{\prime}_1$ in
$E_2$ . Here,
$E^{\prime}_1$ is the proper transform of
$E_1$ on
$A_2$ . If there is no bad curve on
$E_2$ , then we account it as the inequality automatically holds.
We say that a pair
is general if the
${\Bbb R}$
is general for a prime divisor computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. Here, the weak transform
of an ideal
${\mathfrak{a}}_i\subset {\mathcal O}_A$
is defined as

The weak transform
of an
${\Bbb R}$
on A is defined as the canonical extension of the one for an ideal of
${\mathcal O}_A$
(see, for example [
Reference Kawakita9
Remark 4·10. In (2), we assume smoothness of the center P of E on
. But it turns out that it always holds by Lemma 5·1.
Remark 4·11. The definition of generality of an
${\Bbb R}$
-ideal is rather complicated. However, one can see that under a fixed exponent, the inequalities of orders at specific curves of
are open conditions in the space of regular functions of A, which is the reason why we call the ideal
“general”. The following gives a sufficient condition for generality of the ideal.
Under the same symbols as in Definition 4·9, the
${\Bbb R}$
is general for E if one of the following hold:
(1) there is no bad curve on
$E_1$ or
$E_2$ ;
(2) assume the bad curves
$B\subset E_1$ and
$B'\subset E_2$ exist.
${\textrm{ord}}_B{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{E_1}=0$ , and
${\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}=0$ .
5. Proofs of the main results
For the proofs of the main theorems we need the following lemma which guarantees that the second weighted blow-up is possible.
Lemma 5·1. Let E be a prime divisor over a smooth N-fold A (
$N\geq 2$
) with the center at the closed point 0. Let
$\{x_1,\ldots, x_N\}$
be a RSP at 0. Let
and define

$\varphi_1:\; A_1\longrightarrow A$
be the weighted blow-up with respect to
$\{x_1,\ldots, x_N\}$
with weight v’. Denote the exceptional divisor of
. Assume
$E\neq E_1$
and let C be the center of E on
$P\in C$
the generic point of C.

is a homogeneous coordinate function corresponding to
. In particular, P is smooth on
and also on
Proof. Assume that the statement does not hold, then we may assume that P is in the hyperplane defined by
$E_1={\Bbb P}(v')$
. There exists at least one homogeneous coordinate function
such that P does not lay in the hyperplane defined by
. Then we obtain:

This is a contradiction to the fact that

The following lemma is a basic idea appeared in [ Reference Kawakita9 ].
Lemma 5·2. Let
be an
${\Bbb R}$
-ideal on A with
$a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
. Let
$A'\longrightarrow A$
be a proper birational morphism with normal A′, and D an irreducible divisor on A′ with the same center on A as that of E. Assume
$a(D;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}}) > a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
and the generic point P of the center of E on A′ is smooth and not contained in the other exceptional divisors for
$A'\longrightarrow A$
Then, we have

is a weak transform of
on A
Proof. First we express the log discrepancy at E as follows:

is the coefficient of the relative canonical divisor
$K_{{\widetilde A}/{A'}}$
at E and
is the defining ideal of D in A
′. Then, by the assumption, it follows
$a(E;\, A',I_{D}\cdot {\mathfrak{a}}_{A^{\prime}})<0$
and therefore we obtain

By Inversion of adjunction ([
Reference Ein and Mustaţă3
Reference Ishii and Reguera7
]) we obtain
${\textrm{mld}}(P;\, D, {\mathfrak{a}}_{A^{\prime}}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{D})=-\infty$
. Hence, it follows
${\textrm{ord}}_P ({\mathfrak{a}}_{A^{\prime}}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{D})>1$
as claimed.
Setting for the proof of Theorem 1·8.
Let E be a prime divisor over a smooth 3-fold A with the center at a closed point 0. Let
be a general
${\Bbb R}$
-ideal on A such that
$a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq0$
. Let

be a squeezed blow-up for E satisfying the condition (1) in Definition 4·9. Let the squeezed system
and the weight
correspond to the squeezed blow-up
(note that
). Denote the exceptional divisor for
. If
$a(E_1;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\leq a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
, then
is the required prime divisor F in the theorem. Therefore, from now on, we assume that the inequalities
$a(E_1;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}}) \gt a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
Lemma 5·3. Let A, E and
$ E_1$
be as above. If
is general for E and the inequalities
$a(E_1;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})> a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
hold, then we obtain the following:
$0<a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})<1$ ;
$v'=(1,1,n) $ with
$n\geq 1$ or
$v'=(2,2,3)$ .
(a) In case (1, 1, n) the center of E on
$A_1$ is a curve in
$E_1={\Bbb P}(1,1,n)$ of degree
$n+1$ .
(b) In case (2, 2, 3) the center of E on
$A_1$ is either a curve of degree 6 or a closed point in
$E_1={\Bbb P}(2, 2, 3)$ .
Proof. Let
$f^e=f_1^{e_1}\cdots f_r^{e_r}\in {\mathfrak{a}}$
be a general element, i.e.,
$v_{E_1}({\mathfrak{a}})=\sum_i e_i\cdot \deg_{v^{\prime}}(\textrm{in}_{v^{\prime}} f _i)$
, where
$\textrm{in}_{v^{\prime}} f$
is the initial part of f with respect to the weight v
We divide the proof into two cases according to the dimension of the center of E on
. Let
$P\in A_1$
be the generic point of the center of E on
Case 1.
$C\;:\!=\, \overline{\{P\}}$
defined by
$E_1={\Bbb P}(v')$
, where
is homogeneous of degree
$\geq v^{\prime}_1$
with respect to the weight v
${\Bbb R}$
-divisor on
induced from a general element
$f^e=f_1^{e_1}\cdots f_r^{e_r}$
is expressed as follows:

Here, note that
follows from Lemma 5·2. As
is general, C is not a bad curve, therefore its degree is greater than
. Then,
$\deg_{v^{\prime}}\ell\geq v^{\prime}_1v^{\prime}_3$
, because
$\ell $
is an irreducible weighted homogeneous polynomial in
of weight
$v^{\prime}_1, v^{\prime}_1,v^{\prime}_3$
not contained in the coordinate hyperplanes in
$E_1\simeq {\Bbb P}(v')$
. (Note that such a polynomial with smallest degree is in the form
$ax_1^{v^{\prime}_3}+ bx_2^{v^{\prime}_3}+c{x_3}^{v^{\prime}_1}$
.) Then, we have:

By the assumption
$a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})> a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
, it follows

The possibilities of
are only (1, 1, n) with
$n\in {\Bbb N}$
and (2, 2, 3). In case (2, 2, 3), by (4) we have
$a(E_1;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}}))<2\cdot2+3-2\cdot3=1$
. Then, in this case we have (i) and (b) of (ii).
In case (1, 1, n) for
$n\in {\Bbb N}$
, we have
$\deg_{v^{\prime}}\ell\geq n+1$
. Indeed, if not, we have
for a nonzero homogeneous polynomial h of degree n. As E has the center at the curve
, in the same way as the proof of (2) we have

and also
$x_3+h(x_1,x_2)\in {\mathfrak{m}}_0\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}_0^2$
which is a contradiction to the maximality of
. Therefore, in this case also we have
$a(E_1;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}}))<2+n-(n+1)=1$
, which shows (i) and (a) of (ii).
Case 2.
$\dim \overline{\{P\}}=0$
We can take
$P=(1:\; a:\; b)\in E_1={\Bbb P}(v')$
$(a,b\neq 0)$
as the homogeneous coordinate of the point P by Lemma 5·1.
First we will show that
$v^{\prime}_1\neq 1$
. To see this, assume that
. Then a curve
contains P, therefore

and also
$bx_1^{v^{\prime}_3}-x_3\in {\mathfrak{m}}_0\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}_0^2$
which is a contradiction to the maximality of
Now we may assume that
$v^{\prime}_1\geq 2$
. Then, of course
$v^{\prime}_1< v^{\prime}_3$
and the curve B defined by
contains P. Note that B is the bad curve.
Take a general element
$f^e=f_1^{e_1}\cdots f_r^{e_r}\in {\mathfrak{a}}$
such that
$v_{E_1}({\mathfrak{a}})=v_{E_1}(f^e)=\deg_{v^{\prime}}(\textrm{in}_{v^{\prime}} f^e)$
. The
${\Bbb R}$
-divisor on
$E_1={\Bbb P}(v')$
induced from a general element
$f^e=f_1^{e_1}\cdots f_r^{e_r}$
is expressed as follows:

By generality of
, we have
$\alpha\leq 1$
. By Lemma 5·2, we have
${\textrm{mld}}(P;\, E_1, {\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{E_1})=-\infty$
. By the description (5) of the divisor defined by a general element
, we have

Hence, it follows
${\textrm{ord}}_P (\prod_iI_{C_i}^{\gamma_i}){\mathcal O}_B>1$
. Applying Lemma 3·4 to the curve B of degree
, we obtain

Here, for the third inequality, we use

Then, the only possibility of v
′ satisfying these inequalities is (2, 2, 3) and we also have
$v_{E_1}({\mathfrak{a}})=v_{E_1}(f^e)> 2\cdot 3$
which completes the proof of (i) and (ii) in case
$\dim \overline{\{P\}}=0$
Corollary 5·4 (Theorem 1·11). Let A be a smooth variety of dimension 3 over an algebraically closed field k. For any general pair
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq 1$
the minimal log discrepancy is computed by a prime divisor obtained by one weighted blow-up.
Proof. As
$a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq {\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 1$
, the inequality
$a(E_1;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})> a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
does not hold by (i) in Lemma 5·3.
Proof of Theorem
1·8. Let
be as in the setting above. Assuming
$0\leq a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})< a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
, we will prove that
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq a(E_2;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
for a divisor
obtained by the second “blow-up” constructed below in Case 1 and Case 2.
$P\in E_1\subset A_1$
be the center of E. First, for every prime divisor D over
with the center at P and with the inequality
$a(D;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})>a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq0$
, we observe that

Indeed, we have an expression of
$a(D;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
as follows:

$a(D;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq0$
$a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})-1<0$
(Lemma 5·3), we have
$a(D;\, A_1,{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1})\geq0$
Case 1.
$\dim \overline{\{P\}}=1$
be a squeezed system for E on
at P and
the prime divisor obtained by the squeezed blow-up of
at P with respect to
. Let
$K\;:\!=\,{\mathcal O}_{A_1,P}/{\mathfrak{m}}_{A_1,P}$
the algebraic closure of K. Let
$A_{1K}\;:\!=\,{\textrm{Spec }} \widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}$
$A_{1{\overline{K}}}\;:\!=\,{\textrm{Spec }} {\overline{K}}\widehat{\mathcal O}_{A,P}= {\textrm{Spec }} {\overline{K}}[[y_1,y_2]]$
. Denote the both closed points of
and of
by 0. Here, we note that
is not necessarily a squeezed system on
as is shown in Example 4·6, but it does not matter. Because we are interested only in ideals which came from
and in this case a squeezed system on
for E works in the same way as in [
Reference Kawakita9
] and [
Reference Ishii6
], which one can see below:
$\tilde A \longrightarrow A_1$
be a log resolution of
$(A_1, {\mathfrak{a}}{\mathcal O}_{A_1})$
on which E appears. Then, the base change
$\tilde{\tilde A}\longrightarrow A_{1{\overline{K}}}$
$A_{1{\overline{K}}}\longrightarrow A_1$
is also a log resolution of
$(A_{1{\overline{K}}}, {\mathfrak{a}}{\mathcal O}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}}})$
on which the prime divisor
corresponding to E appears. Let
$A_2\longrightarrow A_1$
be the squeezed blow-up with respect to the squeezed system
the exceptional divisor. By definition, it means that
$A_{2{\overline{K}}}\longrightarrow A_{1{\overline{K}}}$
is squeezed weighted blow-up with respect to the squeezed system
be the exceptional divisor corresponding to
, then we have
and we are done. So, we may assume that the center of
is a point. Then the center
$Q\in A_{2{\overline{K}}}$
is not on the proper transform of
. This is proved as follows:
be the weight of the squeezed system
First, we show that
does not happen. Assume
, i.e.,
, then we can take an expression
$Q\in {\overline{E}}_2={\Bbb P}_{\overline{K}}^1$
by homogeneous coordinates with
$a, b\neq 0$
. Let
$z\;:\!=\,by_1-ay_2\in {\mathcal O}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}}}$
. As Q is the center of
${\overline{E}}_2\subset A_{2{\overline{K}}}$
and satisfying
are the homogeneous coordinates on
$E_2={\Bbb P}_K^1$
corresponding to
.), it follows

which is a contradiction to the fact that
is a squeezed system. Now, we may assume that
. Let
be the defining equation of
around P, then
is also defined by
and it is smooth at the closed point
$0\in A_{1{\overline{K}}}$
. Therefore, we have
. Then the initial part of h with respect to w is one of the following:
, (2)
, (3)
$\textrm{in}_w(h)=y_2+a{ y_1}^d$
$a\in {\overline{K}}$
). In the first two cases,
is in the zero locus of the coordinate functions, where
is the proper transform of
. Therefore it does not contain the center Q of
by Lemma 5·1. In case (3), it follows
. If Q is in
, then we have
$y^{\prime}_2\;:\!=\,y_2+a{ y_1}^d\in {\mathfrak{m}}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}},0}\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}},0}^2$
which is a contradiction to the assumption that
is a squeezed system. Now, in any case we obtain that
$Q\not\in {\overline{E}}'_1$
On the other hand,
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
has another expression as follows:

It is sufficient to show that

Assume contrary, then

is the weak transform of
${\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}}}$
. For the calculation of (7), we used
$v_{\overline{E}}({\overline{E}}_1)=v_{\overline{E}}({\overline{E}}_2)v_{{\overline{E}}_2}({\overline{E}}_1)+v_{\overline{E}}({\overline{E}}'_1)=v_{\overline{E}}({\overline{E}}_2)v_{{\overline{E}}_2}({\overline{E}}_1)$ .
Then the inequality (7) shows that
$a({\overline{E}};\, A_{2{\overline{K}}},I_{{\overline{E}}_2}\cdot{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_{2{\overline{K}}}})<0$
which implies

Then, by Inversion of adjunction ([ Reference Ein and Mustaţă3 , Reference Ishii and Reguera7 ]), it follows

which yields
${\textrm{ord}}_Q(({\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}}})_{A_{2{\overline{K}}}}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{{\overline{E}}_2})={\textrm{ord}}_Q({\mathfrak{a}}_{A_{2{\overline{K}}}}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{{\overline{E}}_2})>1$
Let (r,s) be the squeezed weight for
at the closed point
$0\in A_{1{\overline{K}}}$
, then

where we the last inequality follows from (6). Now we reach the situation in Theorem 1·1 and apply the argument in ([
Reference Kawakita9
]) for the surface pair
$(A_{1{\overline{K}}},{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}}}) $
, we obtain

where we note that
${\mathfrak{a}}_{A_{2{\overline{K}}}}=({\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{A_{1{\overline{K}}}})_{A_{2{\overline{K}}}}$
and the third inequality follows from

by (6). The possible positive intergers
satisfying (8) with
are only
. In this case let
$z'\;:\!=\, y_1^s - cy_2$
, where
$Q=(c,1)\in {\overline{E}}_2={\Bbb P}(1,s)$
, then
$v_{\overline{E}}(z')> v_{\overline{E}}(y_2)$
, which is a contradiction to that
$\{y_1, y_2\}$
is a squeezed system for
. Hence we obtain

which completes the proof of the theorem for Case 1.
Case 2.
$\dim\overline{\{ P\}}=0$
Since we are assuming
$0\leq a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})<a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
, by Lemma 5·3 only possibility of v
′ is (2, 2, 3) and we have
$0\leq a(E_1;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})<1$
Now take a squeezed blow-up
$A_2 \longrightarrow A_1$
of weight
at P and let
be the exceptional divisor. We may assume that the condition (2) in Definition 4·9 holds. Let
$Q\in E_2$
be the center of E on
be the proper transform of
. Denote the defining ideals of
$I_{ E^{\prime}_1}$
, respectively.
Then, we have the similar expansion of
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
as in (3) as follows:

is the weak transform of
and is also the weak transform of
Case 2·1.
We will prove
$a(E_2;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\leq a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. Assume on the contrary that
$a(E_2;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})> a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. Then, by (9), we obtain

It implies that
${\textrm{mld}}(Q;\, A_2, I_{E^{\prime}_1}\cdot I_{E_2}\cdot{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2})=-\infty$
. Let
$ L\;:\!=\, E^{\prime}_1\cap E_2$
, by Inversion of adjunction, we obtain

Let B
′ be the bad curve on
(note that a bad curve exists in our case by Lemma 4·8). Then, we obtain

Indeed, when
, then generality of
implies that
${\textrm{ord}}_{B^{\prime}}{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}=0$
, as
. On the other hand, when
$L\neq B'$
, then
$Q\not\in L$
and therefore generality implies
${\textrm{ord}}_{B^{\prime}}{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}\leq1$
. Now, in the same way as Case 2 in the proof of Lemma 5·3, we obtain that the weight of the second squeezed blow-up is (2, 2, 3).
We will show a contradiction under this situation. In this case, we have

by applying (i) of Lemma 5·3 for
$(A_1, {\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1})$
$ E_2$
with the weight
and also for
$(A, {\mathfrak{a}})$
$ E_1$
with the weight
. As the squeezed system
$P\in A_1$
has weight (2, 2, 3), it follows
$v_{E_2}(f)\leq 3\cdot {\textrm{ord}}_P f$
for every
$f\in {\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}$
. Therefore we obtain

On the other hand, applying Lemma 3·4 to
$E_1={\Bbb P}(2,2,3)$
and a general element of
${\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{E_1}$
, we obtain
$1<{\textrm{ord}}_P{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}{\mathcal O}_{E_1}\leq {v_{E_1}({\mathfrak{a}})}/{2\cdot 3}$
. Note that the first inequality follows from Lemma 5·2.
Then, it follows

Using (12), (13) and (14) we obtain

which is a contradiction. Therefore
$a(E_2;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\leq a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
Case 2·2.
$\dim \overline{\{Q\}}=1$
In the following, we will prove
$a(E_2;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\leq a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. Assume contrary,
$a(E_2;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})>a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. The curve
is not a bad curve, because if it is, then

${\textrm{ord}}_QI_L{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}>1$
, while the generality of
implies the converse inequality
${\textrm{ord}}_QI_L{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}={\textrm{ord}}_{B^{\prime}}I_L{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}\leq 1$
. We also have
$\overline{\{Q\}}\neq L$
. This is proved as follows.
$h'\in {\mathcal O}_{A_1}$
around P. As P is smooth on
and also on
, we have
${\textrm{ord}} h'=1$
with respect to RSP
${\mathcal O}_{A_1}$
at P. Then, considering of the initial term of h
′ with respect to the weight w, we see that one of the following holds:
(1) L is a coordinate axis of
$E_2={\Bbb P}(w)$ ;
(2) L is defined by
$(a\in k)$ in
$E_2$ ;
(3) L is defined by
$Y_3+f(Y_1,Y_2)$ in
$E_2$ , where f is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d.
In the third case, the weight w must be (1, 1, d). In this case, if
$\overline{\{Q\}}= L$
, it follows
$y^{\prime}_3\;:\!=\,y_3+f(y_1,y_2)\in {\mathfrak{m}}_{A_1,P}\setminus {\mathfrak{m}}_{A_1,P}^2$
$v_E(y^{\prime}_3)> v_E(y_3)$
, which is a contradiction to the maximality of
. In case (1),
$\overline{\{Q\}}\neq L$
because Q is not contained in the coordinate axes (Lemma 5·1). In case (2), L becomes the bad curve, therefore
$\overline{\{Q\}}\neq L$
, because
is not the bad curve, as we saw above.
Now we obtain
$Q\not\in E^{\prime}_1\cap E_2$
. By using this, we have

By Inversion of adjunction, we have

Then, we have
$1< {\textrm{ord}}_Q{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{E_2}$
First we show that the squeezed weight
for E at
$P\in A_1$
is (1, 1, n) for
$n\in {\Bbb N}$
. Let
be defined by
$E_2={\Bbb P}(r,r,s)$
. If
$w\neq (1,1,n)$
, then the other possible weight w is (2, 2, 3). In this case the smallest possible value for the degree of
${\Bbb P}(2, 2, 3)$
with respect to w is 6. Therefore, by
$1< {\textrm{ord}}_Q{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}\cdot{\mathcal O}_{E_2}$

Now we obtain the inequality (12). The inequalities (13) and (14) also hold in the present case. Therefore, we induce a contradiction and w must be (1, 1, n). By Lemma 5·3,
$\{y_1,y_2,y_3\} $
be a squeezed system at
$P\in A_1$
with the weight (1, 1, n). Let
be the homogeneous coordinates of
$E_2={\Bbb P}(1,1,n)$
corresponding to
$\{y_1,y_2,y_3\} $
. As
is irreducible of degree
with respect to the weight (1, 1, n), we can express

For simplicity, assume
and take a general element
$f\in {\mathfrak{a}}_1{\mathcal O}_{A, 0}\subset k[[x_1,x_2,x_3]]$
, where
is a squeezed system for E at
$0\in A$
of weight (2, 2, 3). Then the weak transform
of f on
is written as

is weighted homogeneous and g(y) is the term with the higher weight with respect to the weight
Here, we may assume that
$P=(1,1,1)\in E_1={\Bbb P}(2,2,3)$
, then we can take a RSP at
$P\in A_1$
by making use of the squeezed system
of squeezed weight (2, 2, 3) which gives the first weighted blow-up
$\varphi_1\;:\;A_1\longrightarrow A$

$x_3 $
in the neighborhood of P. Take the minimal
$m\in {\Bbb N}$
such that

We note that for
$m\geq 2$

is the order with respect to the parameters
$x_1,x_2,x_3 $
${\mathcal O}_{A,0}$
. Then, by (17),

On the other hand if
$x_3^s(y_1y_3-y_2^{n+1})^r\in {\mathcal O}_{A,0}$
, it should be
$s\geq 4r$
. In fact, if a quadratic monomial
$(i, j\in\{1,2\})$
appears in
which is expressed as a function of
, then
$s\geq 4r$
. If such a monomial
$(i, j\in\{1,2\})$
does not appear in
, then
appears in
, because
are both RSP at
$P\in A_1$
. This yields
$s\geq 2(n+1)r\geq4r$
Consider the initial part
$(y_1\cdot y_3-y_2^{n+1})^r\cdot \ell'$
with respect to the weight
. We know that
$a(E_2;\, A_1,{\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1})\geq 0$
, therefore
$v_{E_2}(f_{A_1}^{e_1})=v_{E_2}({\mathfrak{a}}_{A_1}^{e_1}) \leq k_{E_2/A_1}+1=n+2$
. Then, it follows that

$1<{\textrm{ord}}_Q {\mathfrak{a}}_{A_2}{\mathcal O}_{E_2}$
, it follows
$1<{\textrm{ord}}_Q (y_1y_3-y_2^{n+1})^{re_1}$
which yields
. By this and (18), we have
, therefore
${\textrm{ord}}_P \ell'< r$
which yields that the factor of
appears in
at most
times. Hence, as (16) the inclusion
$x_3^m (y_1\cdot y_3-y_2^{n+1})^r\cdot \ell' \in {\mathcal O}_{A,0}$
should hold, which implies
$m\geq 4r-(r-1)=3r+1$
${\textrm{ord}}_0 f={\textrm{ord}}_0 (x_3^m\cdot f_{A_1})\geq 3r+1,$
and therefore, taking
into account, we have

Then, for every prime divisor D over A with the center at 0 has the discrepancy
, which is a contradiction to the condition that
$a(E;\, A, {\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
The condition “general” is necessary as far as we use “squeezed” blow-ups to construct a required divisor in Theorem 1·8. Actually, we have a non-general ideal such that two squeezed blow-ups do not give the required divisor.
Example 5·5. Let
$f=(x_1-x_2)^2+x_3^2+x_1^4\in k[x_1,x_2,x_3]$
. Define E as follows:
$\varphi_1\;:\;A_1\longrightarrow A$
be the weighted blow-up with weight (1, 1, 2) with respect to the coordinates
. Let
be the exceptional divisor of
. Let
$\varphi_2\;:\;A_2\longrightarrow A_1$
be the (usual) blow-up with the center at
$E_1\cap (f_{A_1}=0)$
, where
is the weak transform of (f) on
. Let
be the exceptional divisor of
. Let
$\varphi_3\;:\;\widetilde A\longrightarrow A_2$
be the (usual) blow-up with the center at
$E_2\cap (f_{A_2}=0)$
, where
is the weak transform of (f) on
. Let E be the exceptional divisor of
. Then,
are squeezed blow-ups for E,
is not general for E and the following hold:

So, we can see that the squeezed blow-ups do not work for this ideal. But if we do not stick to squeezed blow-up, we can find two weighted blow-ups to obtain the required F in the theorem. Let
$\{x^{\prime}_1, x^{\prime}_2,x^{\prime}_3\}$
be another RSP defined by
. Then,
$v_E(x^{\prime}_1)=1,v_E( x^{\prime}_2)=2,v_E(x^{\prime}_3)=2$
. (We can see that this RSP is not squeezed.) Now, let
$\psi_1\;:\;A^{\prime}_1\longrightarrow A$
be the weighted blow-up with weight (1, 2, 2) with respect to
$\{x^{\prime}_1, x^{\prime}_2,x^{\prime}_3\}$
. Let
be the exceptional divisor of
. Let
$\psi_2\;:\;A^{\prime}_2\longrightarrow A^{\prime}_1$
be the (usual) blow-up with the center at
$E^{\prime}_1\cap (f_{A^{\prime}_1}=0)$
. Let
be the exceptional divisor of
. Then, we can see that
at the generic points. So, E itself is obtained by two weighted blow-ups.
The example suggests us that we may take an appropriate weighted blow-up to obtain the required F in the theorem, if
is not general.
Corollary 5·6 (Corollary 1·9). Assume
. Then, for every “general” pair
, the minimal log discrepancy
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by a prime divisor E obtained by at most two weighted blow-ups. More concretely, the blow-ups are squeezed blow-ups for E.
Proof. When
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
, then apply the theorem for a divisor E computing the mld. When
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})=-\infty$
, then in a similar way as in [
Reference Kawakita9
], take a prime divisor E computing the mld. Then by taking a positive real number
such that
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}}^t)=0$
and apply Theorem 1·8.
Corollary 5·7. Let E be a prime divisor over A with the center at 0 and
$E_1={\Bbb P}(r,r,s)$
$(r,s\geq 1)$
the exceptional divisor of a squeezed blow-up for E. Assume that
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
and the center of E on
is a curve of degree
, then there is a prime divisor F such that

holds for every
${\Bbb R}$
and F is obtained by at most two weighted blow-ups.
Proof. We can see that there is no bad curve on E. Therefore, every
${\Bbb R}$
is general for E.
The proof of the theorem shows also the following corollary.
Corollary 5·8. Let E be a prime divisor over A with the center at 0 computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
. Let E′ be the exceptional divisor of a weighted blow-up with weight
, where
. Assume that the center C of E on E′ is a curve of degree
$d\geq r+s+t-1$
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is not computed by E′, then the mld is computed by the divisor obtained by one additional weighted blow-up at C.
Proof. Let
$A'\longrightarrow A $
be the weighted blow-up with weight (r,s,t). By the assumption, we have
$a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})< a(E';\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
. Then, by Lemma 5·2, we have
$\alpha\;:\!=\,{\textrm{ord}}_P{\mathfrak{a}}_{A^{\prime}}{\mathcal O}_{E'}>1$
, where P is the generic point of C. Therefore, we obtain
$v_{E^{\prime}}({\mathfrak{a}})=\alpha d> r+s+t-1$
, and therefore
$a(E';\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})<1$
. Now, in the same way as Case 1 in the proof of Theorem 1·8, we obtain that the squeezed blow-up at P gives a divisor F satisfying
$a(F;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\leq a(E;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})={\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
The following is a special case of the corollary above. Example 3·3 is in this case.
Corollary 5·9 (Corollary 1·10). Let E be a prime divisor over A with the center at 0 computing
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})\geq 0$
. Let E′ be the exceptional divisor of the usual blow-up with the center at 0. Assume that the center C of E on E′ is a curve of degree
$d\geq 2$
${\textrm{mld}}(0;\, A,{\mathfrak{a}})$
is computed by the divisor obtained by one additional weighted blow-up at C.
The author would like to thank Kohsuke Shibata, Lawrence Ein, Masayuki Kawakita and Yuri Prokhorov for useful discussions. The author expresses her hearty thanks to the referee for the numerous constructible comments to improve the readability greatly of the paper.