Book Reviews Editor: Dr Niccolò Mugnai (
Libyan Studies publishes reviews of books on Northern Africa and the regions of the ancient and modern Mediterranean,
focusing on archaeology, history, geography, and other subjects that fall under the journal’s remit.
Book reviews are accepted all year round, with an average turnaround of six months from submission to publication on
First View via Cambridge Core.
For house style and other details on preparation of manuscripts, please refer to Libyan Studies’ Guidelines for Contributors.
General information about book reviews:
• Book reviews should provide a critical assessment of the book’s aims, contents, and its place within current
scholarship. Reviews should not be limited to a simple summary of the contents of the book.
• Reviews should point out strengths and/or weaknesses of the book, without personal attacks on the author(s)
or editor(s). If a conflict of interest arises, this should be notified straightaway to the Book Reviews Editor.
• References can be included in the main text of the book review where relevant, using the Harvard (author/date)
system. A complete reference list should be provided at the end of the review. Endnotes can be used but please
keep these to a minimum.
• There is no set word limit for book reviews – this largely depends on the nature of the book that is being
reviewed. Most of the book reviews published in Libyan Studies are between 1,000 and 3,000 words, including
notes and bibliography. If you think your review is likely to exceed 3,000 words, please discuss this with the
Book Reviews Editor in the first place.
• Libyan Studies publishes responses to book reviews, where the author of the book can address specific issues
or respond to points raised in the review. Responses must provide a fair and stimulant intellectual discussion,
without any personal attacks on the reviewer. The appropriateness of responses will be assessed by the Book
Reviews Editor on a case-by-case basis.
Books for review should be sent to:
Pauline Graham
General Secretary, British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies
19 East Road
Reigate, Surrey, RH2 9EX