The reasons which induced the Association to undertake this work, and the nature of the investigations proposed to be carried out, will be familiar to readers of this Journal (see vol. ii, No. 2, p. 88), and need not be here recapitulated. I shall, therefore, confine myself to a brief account of such progress nshas already been made.
Grimsby was selected as head-quarters, as being the port from which the largest number of boats work, and, in fact, the head-quarters of the North Sea Trawling Industry. A local body, the Marine Fisheries Society, has for the last few years been carrying on work in Grimsby, principally in connection with the culture of sea fish, and for that purpose has erected an aquarium or hatchery at Cleethorpes, a small watering-place and fishing village on the outskirts of the town. It was felt that it would be of great advantage if the Association could secure the co-operation and assistance of this Society, and communications accordingly passed between the Director and Mr. 0. T. Olsen, Secretary of the Society and also a member of the Association, and to whose energy and enthusiasm the foundation and subsequent success of the Society are in great measure due. As a result the Society at once promised every assistance in their power, and furthermore placed their premises at Oleethorpes at my disposal for such work as could be most conveniently carried on there. The hatchery contains glass and slate tanks of various sizes, with apparatus for circulating the water, and its reservoir is connected with the sea pump of the adjacent public baths, so that direct communication with the Humber can be established at any time.