Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 October 2022
We study the symplectic leaves of the subvariety of fixed points of an automorphism of a Calogero–Moser space induced by an element of finite order of the normalizer of the associated complex reflection group. We give a parametrization à la Harish-Chandra of its symplectic leaves (generalizing earlier works of Bellamy and Losev). This result is inspired by the mysterious relations between the geometry of Calogero–Moser spaces and unipotent representations of finite reductive groups, which is the theme of another paper, C. Bonnafé [‘Calogero–Moser spaces vs unipotent representations’, Pure Appl. Math. Q., to appear, Preprint, 2021, arXiv:2112.13684].
The author is partly supported by the ANR: Projects Nos. ANR-16-CE40-0010-01 (GeRepMod) and ANR-18-CE40-0024-02 (CATORE).
Communicated by Benjamin Martin