Brahman Shorthorn steers (213±4·6 kg
initial weight) were grazed on a pangola (Digitaria
eriantha cv. Steudel) pasture interplanted with leucaena
(Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham) in rows
1·8–2·7 m apart in the Ord River
Irrigation Area (ORIA) in north-west Western Australia. The
leucaena comprised a mean of 46% of the diet but ranged
from 100% of the diet on day 1 to c. 18%
on day 7 of a 7-day grazing period, within the rotational
grazing system. It was suggested that the
low herbage allowance of leucaena may have restricted the
intake of the steers, reducing the quantity
and quality of the herbage consumed.
The steers were also supplemented with maize during the
dry and wet seasons (1992 and 1992/93).
The maize supplement was offered at 0, 0·5,
1·0, 1·5 and 2·0 kg/head per day,
over a 168-day period.
Maize supplementation at 1·5 kg maize per head per
day resulted in an increase in the liveweight gain
of the steers grazing leucaena/pangola pastures in the
dry season from 0·73±0·05 kg/day
(mean±S.E.) for no supplementation to
1·1±0·05 kg/day for
1·5 kg/head per day of maize. Maize
supplementation up to 2·0 kg/day did not
further increase the liveweight gain. A high rate of
substitution of leucaena and pangola intake for the maize
supplement occurred.
There was a large seasonal difference in liveweight gain
(mean 0·89 v. 0·63 kg/day for the dry and
wet seasons respectively; P<0·001)
irrespective of the level of maize supplementation. This seasonal
difference in liveweight gain was not primarily a
function of the herbage on offer, but was most
probably a direct function of the effect of the seasonal
temperature and humidity influencing the feed
intake and growth rate of these Brahman crossbred cattle.
This system produced some of the higher liveweight gains
recorded per hectare for a grazing system
(1570–2110 kg/ha per year), as a result of the
very good individual liveweight gains (250-340 kg/head
per year) and high stocking rate (6·25 head/ha).