Under the auspices of the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq a first season of renewed excavations at Jemdet Nasr took place from 19th October to 31st December 1988. In the first place we record our gratitude to the people and institutions who enabled the excavations to take place. To Dr. Mu'ayyad Said Damerji, Director-General of the Department of Antiquities and Heritage, and the staff of the External Relations section, go our sincere thanks for their cooperation throughout the excavations. The assistance of Dr. Behija Khalil Ismail, Director of the Iraq Museum, is also gratefully acknowledged. The personal thanks of all the team go to our representative, Sd. Borhan Shakir Sulayman, whose much-appreciated assistance in all aspects of the work contributed in no small measure to the achievements of the season. For encouragement and assistance at various stages of the project gratitude is due to Dr. J. A. Black, Dr. P. R. S. Moorey, Prof. D. and Dr. J. Oates and Mr. J. N. Postgate. Financial assistance was received from the British Academy and the British School of Archaeology in Iraq, for which the writer is sincerely grateful.
Apart from the writer, as Director, the team consisted of: R. K. Englund (epigraphist), W. Matthews (micromorphologist), M. A. Woodburn (photographer), H. D. Baker, A. Lupton and M. Sarley (archaeologists). Their enthusiasm and diligence at the initiation of a new research project in Iraq made the season extremely pleasurable and rewarding. Among the many visits to the excavations we may mention those of Dr. Walid al-Jadir of the University of Baghdad, and Mr. P. Elborn and colleagues from the British Council, Baghdad.