1. Introduction
The definition of a duality group was introduced by Bieri and Eckmann in [Reference Bieri and Eckmann5] in order to describe groups that have a (possibly twisted) pairing between homology and cohomology. A group
is a virtual duality group if some (equivalently, any) finite-index torsion-free subgroup of
is a duality group. By Poincaré duality, fundamental groups of closed aspherical manifolds are duality groups. Furthermore, mapping class groups [Reference Harer22],
[Reference Borel and Serre6], and
[Reference Bestvina and Feighn4, Reference Bux, Smillie and Vogtmann12] are also virtual duality groups for more subtle reasons. As outer automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups interpolate between
, it is not unreasonable to guess that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
might also be a virtual duality group. The purpose of this note is to show that in general, this is not the case.
Theorem A.
be the graph given in Figure 1. Then
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is not a virtual duality group.
With hindsight, the failure of duality here should not be too surprising, simply because right-angled Artin groups themselves are rarely duality groups. A wonderful theorem of Brady and Meier [Reference Brady and Meier8] shows that a right-angled Artin group
is a duality group if and only if the flag complex
$\hat{\Gamma }$
of the defining graph is Cohen–Macaulay (see Definition 2.1). To briefly sketch how their result implies Theorem A, let
be the join of the subgraphs
$\Gamma _1$
$\Gamma _2$
given in Figure 1. The Join Lemma, given below, gives a method for constructing outer automorphism groups of RAAGs with finite-index RAAG subgroups. Its proof follows reasonably quickly from existing results (see Section 2.3 for details).
Lemma 1.1 (Join Lemma). Let
$A_{\Gamma _1}$
$A_{\Gamma _2}$
be two noncyclic right-angled Artin groups with finite outer automorphism groups. If
$\Gamma =\Gamma _1 \sqcup \Gamma _2$
is the disjoint union of the two graphs, and
$\Delta =\Gamma _1 \star \Gamma _2$
is their join, then
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
has a finite-index subgroup isomorphic to the right-angled Artin group
$A_{\Gamma _1} \oplus A_{\Gamma _2} \cong A_\Delta$
The construction of the graph
in Figure 1 ensures that both
$A_{\Gamma _1}$
$A_{\Gamma _2}$
have finite outer automorphism groups, so that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
has a finite-index subgroup isomorphic to
$A_{\Gamma _1} \oplus A_{\Gamma _2} \cong A_\Delta$
. However, the flag complex
$\hat{\Delta }$
is not Cohen–Macaulay, so neither
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is a (virtual) duality group. Full details are given in Section 2. More generally, the Join Lemma gives a way of constructing many examples of RAAGs
appearing as finite-index subgroups of
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
for certain
Theorem A gives a very partial answer to Question 3 from Vogtmann’s Groups St. Andrews lecture notes on automorphism groups of RAAGs [Reference Vogtmann28]. We discuss this in more detail and highlight related questions in Section 3. After circulating a draft of this paper, Brück used a computer search to find further examples of RAAGs satisfying the conclusion of Theorem A. He kindly agreed to describe these examples and his approach in an appendix. More recently, Wiedmer [Reference Wiedmer29] built on these ideas to prove the remarkable result that every right-angled Artin group
is commensurable with
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Delta )$
for some other RAAG
. This gives a vast range of examples of RAAGs whose outer automorphism groups are not duality groups.
2. Proof of Theorem A
In this section, we provide background, definitions, and expand on the sketch proof given in the introduction to give a full proof of Theorem A.

Figure 1. A graph
$\Gamma =\Gamma _1 \sqcup \Gamma _2$
such that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is not a virtual duality group. The grey triangles are added to show the flag complex
$\hat{\Gamma }$
determined by
2.1. Right-angled Artin groups
be a finite graph with vertex set
$V(\Gamma )$
. The right-angled Artin group determined by the graph
is the finitely presented group
with the presentation:

We will always assume subgraphs
$\Delta \subset \Gamma$
are full, so that two vertices in
are connected by an edge if and only if they are connected by an edge in
. We will also assume that our graphs are simple, so that there are no loops and no double edges in
(this is safe to do as relations given by loops or double edges do not change the group obtained from the above presentation). We make use of the following facts:
The centre of a right-angled Artin group
$A_\Gamma$ is generated by the vertices
$v$ that are adjacent to every other vertex.
$A_\Gamma$ is one-ended if and only if
$\Gamma$ is connected and contains at least two vertices ([Reference Groves and Hull18] proves something much stronger than this - probably the simplest way to show this directly is by using [Reference Groves and Hull18, Lemma 1.1]).
For introductions to RAAGs and their automorphisms, we recommend the survey papers of Charney [Reference Charney13] and Vogtmann [Reference Vogtmann28].
2.2. Flag complexes, the Cohen–Macaulay condition, and duality for RAAGs
For a simple graph
, we use
$\hat{\Gamma }$
to denote the flag complex determined by
. One can define
$\hat{\Gamma }$
as being obtained from
by filling in any ‘visible’ simplices, or as the the largest simplicial complex on the vertex set
$V(\Gamma )$
with the same edge set as
. The star of a simplex
is the subcomplex spanned by simplices containing
, and the link of
is the subcomplex consisting of simplices
$\tau \in \mathrm{st}(\sigma )$
$\sigma \cap \tau = \emptyset$
Definition 2.1 (Cohen–Macaulay complexes). A finite simplicial complex
is Cohen–Macaulay of dimension
• the reduced homology
$\overline{H}_*(X;\;\mathbb{Z} )$ is free abelian (possibly trivial) and concentrated in degree
$n$ ,
• each maximal simplex is
$n$ -dimensional, and
• for each non-maximal
$k$ -simplex
$\sigma$ , the reduced homology
$\overline{H}_*(\mathrm{lk}(\sigma );\;\mathbb{Z})$ is free abelian (possibly trivial) and concentrated in degree
$n-k-1$ .
A group
is a duality group of dimension
if there exists a
and an element
$e \in H_n(G;\;D)$
such that the cap product with
induces an isomorphism

for all
and all
. If we can take
in the above then
is a Poincaré duality group (Bieri and Eckmann allow a nontrivial action on
in this definition). We do not work with the definition in this note, instead relying on the following theorem of Brady and Meier.
Theorem 2.2 ([Reference Brady and Meier8], Theorem C). Let
be a finite simple graph. The right-angled Artin group
is a duality group if and only if the flag complex
$\hat{\Gamma }$
is Cohen–Macaulay.
A group
is a virtual duality group if some finite-index subgroup
is a duality group. In this case,
is torsion-free, and every finite-index torsion-free subgroup of
is also a duality group. This is well-known and follows directly from results in [Reference Bieri and Eckmann5] but as it is important in what follows we record it below.
Lemma 2.3.
is a virtual duality group and
is a finite-index, torsion-free subgroup of
, then
is a duality group.
Proof. As
is a virtual duality group, there exists a finite-index subgroup
that is a duality group. Let
$H'=H\cap H_0$
. As
is finite-index in
, it is also a duality group by [Reference Bieri and Eckmann5, Theorem 3.2]. By [Reference Bieri and Eckmann5, Theorem 3.3], any torsion-free, finite-index overgroup of a duality group is also a duality group. As
is also finite-index in
, it follows that
is a duality group.
2.3. Finiteness conditions for
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
and the join Lemma
In this section, we show that for our example graph in Figure 1 the group
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
has a finite index subgroup isomorphic to
$A_{\Gamma _1} \oplus A_{\Gamma _2}$
. For experts, this is the subgroup of
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
generated by partial conjugations, and it is finite index as
is chosen in a way so that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
contains no transvections. We break this down into two steps, starting with conditions that describe when
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is finite:
Proposition 2.4 ([Reference Charney and Farber14], Section 6). Let
be a finite graph. The group
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is finite if and only if for each vertex
• any two vertices in
$\Gamma - \mathrm{st}(u)$ are connected by a path in
$\Gamma - \mathrm{st}(u)$ , and
• if
$\mathrm{lk}(u) \subset \mathrm{st}(v)$ for some vertex
$v$ then
$u=v$ .
Going back in the other direction, finiteness of the outer automorphism group
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
imposes the following restrictions on the graph
and its associated RAAG.
Lemma 2.5.
be a graph such that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is finite. Then
$\Gamma$ is connected, so that
$A_\Gamma$ is either cyclic or one-ended.
• If
$\Gamma$ is not a single point (so that
$A_\Gamma$ is noncyclic), the centre
$Z(A_\Gamma )$ of
$A_\Gamma$ is trivial.
Proof. Let
be a graph such that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is finite. The first condition of Proposition 2.4 implies that
has at most two connected components, and if there are exactly two connected components then the star of each vertex
is equal to its own component. Suppose there are exactly two components
such that for each
$u \in C_i$
we have
. This contradicts the second bullet point from Proposition 2.4: either we can find two distinct vertices
in the same component that satisfy
$\mathrm{lk}(u) \subset \mathrm{st}(v)$
, or there is an isolated vertex
whose link is empty and therefore contained in the star of every other vertex. Hence,
is connected. Furthermore, if there are at least two vertices in
$Z(A_{\Gamma })$
must be trivial, otherwise the star of some vertex is the whole graph and we would have a contradiction to the second bullet point from Proposition 2.4.
The second proposition we use is a bit more general and follows from Guirardel and Levitt’s work on automorphism groups of free products [Reference Guirardel and Levitt19].
Proposition 2.6.
be one-ended groups with centres denoted
, respectively. If
have finite outer automorphism groups, then
${\rm{Out}}(A \ast B)$
has a finite-index subgroup isomorphic to

Sketch proof. As both
are one-ended,
$G=A\ast B$
is the Grushko decomposition of
. In this case, the Outer space of the free product (see [Reference Guirardel and Levitt19]) reduces to a single point: the Bass–Serre tree given by the splitting
$A\ast B$
is invariant under the whole of
. By looking at the stabiliser of this tree ([Reference Guirardel and Levitt19, Section 5] or alternatively [Reference Bass and Jiang3, Reference Levitt24]) one obtains a subgroup
of index at most two that splits as the following short exact sequence:

When both
are finite, the kernel of this exact sequence is finite index in
Combining the above allows us to prove the Join Lemma from the introduction:
Proof of the Join Lemma. Let
$\Gamma =\Gamma _1 \sqcup \Gamma _2$
be the disjoint union of two graphs with the property that their associated RAAGs
$A_{\Gamma _i}$
are noncyclic and have finite outer automorphism groups. By Lemma 2.5, both
$A_{\Gamma _1}$
$A_{\Gamma _2}$
are one-ended and have trivial centres. As
$A_\Gamma \cong A_{\Gamma _1} \ast A_{\Gamma _2}$
, Proposition 2.6 tells us that
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
has a finite index subgroup isomorphic to
$A_{\Gamma _1} \oplus A_{\Gamma _2}$
Applying the Join Lemma to our specific example, we have:
Lemma 2.7.
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
be the graph given in Figure 1. Then
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
has a finite index subgroup isomorphic to
$A_{\Gamma _1} \oplus A_{\Gamma _2}$
Sketch proof. In order to apply the Join Lemma we check the conditions of Proposition 2.4 vertex-by-vertex: that is, for each
$u \in \Gamma _i$
, the star of
does not separate
$\Gamma _i$
and if
$\mathrm{lk}(u) \subset \mathrm{st}(v)$
. For
$\Gamma _1$
this is straightforward. For
$\Gamma _2$
this is a little harder, but we feel that a line-by-line proof is not beneficial to the paper or the reader. To convince oneself that this holds, we recommend that one looks at the following cases for a vertex
$u \in \Gamma _2$
is a vertex on one of the two strings attached to the hexagon,
is the endpoint of a string,
is one of the two vertices in the middle of the hexagon, and lastly
is one of the two points on the boundary of the hexagon that are not endpoints of a string. These cases cover all vertices in
$\Gamma _2$
, and in each case the star of
does not separate the graph and the link of
is not contained in the star of any other vertex.
2.4. The proof of Theorem A and the Aut case
Proof of Theorem A. Let
be the graph from Figure 1. By Lemma 2.7, the group
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
has a finite-index subgroup isomorphic to
$A_{\Gamma _1} \oplus A_{\Gamma _2}$
. This is the right-angled Artin group on the graph
$\Delta = \Gamma _1 \star \Gamma _2$
formed by taking the join of the two graphs
$\Gamma _1$
$\Gamma _2$
. A one-dimensional maximal simplex in
$\widehat{\Gamma _2}$
(i.e. an edge on one of the strings) is contained in simplices of dimension at most three in the join
$\widehat{\Delta } \cong \widehat{\Gamma _1} \star \widehat{\Gamma _2}$
, whereas
$\widehat{\Delta }$
is 4-dimensional. As the maximal simplices of
$\widehat{\Delta }$
are not of uniform dimension, the flag complex
$\widehat{\Delta }$
is not Cohen–Macaulay. Therefore,
is not a duality group. As every finite-index, torsion-free subgroup of a virtual duality group is a duality group (Lemma 2.3), the group
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is not a virtual duality group.
For completeness, we note that we can obtain a similar result in the Aut case:
Proposition 2.8.
$\Gamma _2$
is the graph given in Figure 1, then
${\rm{Aut}}(A_{\Gamma _2})$
is not a virtual duality group.
Proof. As
${\rm{Out}}(A_{\Gamma _2})$
is finite and the centre of
$A_{\Gamma _2}$
is trivial, the group of inner automorphisms is finite-index in
${\rm{Aut}}(A_{\Gamma _2})$
and is isomorphic to
$A_{\Gamma _2}$
. As
$\widehat{\Gamma _2}$
is not Cohen–Macaulay (the maximal simplices of
$\widehat{\Gamma _2}$
do not all have the same dimension), the group
$A_{\Gamma _2}$
is not a duality group, so that
${\rm{Aut}}(A_{\Gamma _2})$
is not a virtual duality group.
3. Further discussion
In this section, we collect some related questions. Most of these problems have appeared elsewhere previously. Vogtmann gave five questions centred around
(the RAAG version of outer space) at the end of [Reference Vogtmann28]. This is question three:
Question 3.1 (Vogtmann, [Reference Vogtmann28]). Is
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
a virtual duality group? Is there a bordification of
which is a hybrid of the Borel–Serre bordification of the symmetric space
and the Bestvina–Feighn bordification of Outer space
? If so, is bordified
highly connected at infinity?
The space
was recently shown to be contractible in work of Bregman, Charney, and Vogtmann [Reference Bregman, Charney and Vogtmann9] and admits a proper action of
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
. Our example shows that the classification of when
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is a virtual duality group is a delicate problem. Note that even when duality fails, the behaviour of
at infinity (often described via a bordification) is a very interesting problem. The outer automorphism group constructed in Theorem A suggests that as well as expecting pieces of a potential bordification to behave like the Borel–Serre bordification of symmetric space [Reference Borel and Serre6] and the Bestvina–Feighn bordification of Outer space [Reference Bestvina and Feighn4, Reference Bux, Smillie and Vogtmann12], we should expect (bordifications of?) Salvetti complexes to also appear, at least in the geometry if not in the actual construction (the explicit construction of
is in terms of blow-ups and collapses of certain cubulations of
: when
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
is virtually
, we should expect
to be related to the Salvetti complex of
, but we do not think this relationship is clear from the definitions).
Recently, Brück [Reference Brück11] has constructed an
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
which is a hybrid of the free factor complex and the Tits building for
, although
has larger
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
-stabilizers than one might hope for (for instance,
is trivial for the graph from our main theorem). Brück showed that these complexes are Cohen–Macaulay, so one hope is that
could be used to reduce problems about duality to the behaviour of
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
-stabilizers in
3.1. Obstructions to duality: Fouxe–Rabinovitch groups
Recall that if

is a (not necessarily maximal) free factor decomposition of a group, the associated Fouxe–Rabinovitch group is the subgroup of
consisting of outer automorphisms
that have representatives
$\phi _1, \ldots, \phi _k \in \Phi$
such that each representative
$\phi _i$
acts as the identity when restricted to
. This is written as
${\rm{Out}}(G;\; \mathcal{G}^t)$
The decomposition series constructed in our work with Day [Reference Day and Wade17] break up
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
into consecutive quotients that are either free-abelian,
, or certain Fouxe–Rabinovitch groups. If all the consecutive quotients are virtual duality groups, then so is
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
(when working with more general subnormal series one has to be a little bit careful about the passage to finite index subgroups, however here we can use congruence subgroups). This leads us to ask the following question, which also appeared briefly in [Reference Day, Sale and Wade15].
Question 3.2.
be a free factor decomposition of a RAAG
. When is
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma ;\; \mathcal{G}^t)$
a virtual duality group?
For the graph in Figure 1, the RAAG subgroup
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
appears as the Fouxe–Rabinovitch group
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma ;\;\{A_{\Gamma _1},A_{\Gamma _2}\}^t)$
. Here, the failure of duality comes from failure of the factor groups to be duality groups.
However, we conjecture that there is another possible obstruction. In comparison with known examples in the literature, we expect natural classifying spaces for duality groups to look uniformly of the same dimension as the group (i.e. all maximal simplices/cells are of dimension
). For Fouxe–Rabinovitch groups, classifying spaces of minimal dimension can be obtained as a blow-up of the spine of relative Outer space by replacing each simplex
with a copy of
$\sigma \times \textrm{E}{\rm{Stab}}(\sigma )$
[Reference Day, Sale and Wade15] (at least after passing to an appropriate torsion-free f.i. subgroup). However, as we will see below, one can have simplices in relative Outer space of the same dimension whose stabilisers have different (geometric/cohomological) dimensions. As the spine is uniform, the resulting blow-up will not be uniform - some maximal simplices will be of dimension strictly less than
The group of pure symmetric outer automorphisms (also called basis-conjugating automorphisms)
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )$
is the subgroup of
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
given by all outer automorphisms
whose representatives
$\phi \in \Phi$
send every generator
$v\in V(\Gamma )$
to a conjugate of itself. For
$A_\Gamma =\mathbb{Z}^2 \ast \mathbb{Z}^3 \ast \mathbb{Z}^4$
, the group
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )$
forms a Fouxe–Rabinovitch group. Either using the work in [Reference Day and Wade16] or by working directly from a presentation, one can show that

This gives another example of a Fouxe–Rabinovitch group that is not a virtual duality group. In this case,
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
fits in a short exact sequence

so unlike our first example the group
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )$
is not finite-index in
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
. It would be interesting to know how this decomposition is reflected in the geometry of the outer space for the RAAG.
The following simplification of Question 3.2 is interesting in its own right:
Question 3.3.
be a free factor system in a free group
. When is
${\rm{Out}}(F_N;\; \mathcal{F}^t)$
a virtual duality group?
This is true when
$\mathcal{F} = \emptyset$
(by Bestvina and Feighn [Reference Bestvina and Feighn4]), and in the case where
$\mathcal{F}=\mathbb{Z} \ast \mathbb{Z} \ast \cdots \ast \mathbb{Z}$
is the free factor decomposition that determines the pure symmetric automorphism group (by Brady, McCammond, Meier, and Miller [Reference Brady, McCammond, Meier and Miller7]). In both of the above cases, simplex stabilisers behave well in the spine of the (relative) outer space, and the problem illustrated in Figure 2 does not occur. However, this is not true for an arbitrary free factor system of

Figure 2. Three points in the spine of the relative outer space for
$A_\Gamma =\mathbb{Z}^2 \ast \mathbb{Z}^3 \ast \mathbb{Z}^4$
, whose
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
-stabilizers are isomorphic to
, and
, respectively.
3.2. Commensurability problems
Given the construction in Theorem A, it seems worthwhile to repeat the following question, a version of which appeared as Question 1.1 in [Reference Day and Wade16].
Question 3.4.
When does
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
have a finite-index subgroup isomorphic to a right-angled Artin group
? Conversely, which RAAGs appear as such finite-index subgroups?
One can also ask similar questions up to quasi-isometry. The above problem is discussed at some length in the introduction of [Reference Day and Wade16], so we will limit ourselves to mentioning more recent developments. Notably, the work of Aramayona and Martinez–Perez [Reference Aramayona and Martínez-Pérez2] on when
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
can have property (T) has been recently extended by Sale [Reference Sale27]. Through this work, as well as Guirardel and Sale’s work on vastness properties and
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
[Reference Guirardel and Sale20], we now have much better control over the behaviour of outer automorphism groups of RAAGs that, roughly speaking, do not look like
. These results give reasons to be more optimistic about the tractability of the first part of Question 3.4. The second part of this question seems much harder, given the fact that quasi-isometry and commensurability classification problems for RAAGs themselves are incredibly difficult (see [Reference Huang23, Reference Margolis25]). However, the Join Lemma does provide a way to construct families of examples
that are finite index in
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
for some
(and now the work of Wiedmer greatly extends this [Reference Wiedmer29]). It is also worth noting that [Reference Day and Wade16, Question 1.2] gave a more general recognition problem about RAAGs, which was later answered in the negative by Bridson [Reference Bridson10].
Remark 3.5.
be the example graph in Figure 1 and
$A_\Delta =A_{\Gamma _1} \times A_{\Gamma _2}$
be the associated finite-index RAAG subgroup of
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
. Corey Bregman pointed out some extensions to our main example where
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
behaves similarly but
is connected. If
$\Gamma '$
is the cone of our example graph with an additional vertex, then
${\rm{Out}}(A_{\Gamma '})$
is commensurable with
$A_\Delta \times \mathbb{Z}^{|\Gamma |}$
(there is an additional free abelian group generated by transvections by the additional central element and these commute with the existing partial conjugations). Rather than taking the cone, one can take
$\Gamma ''$
to be the join of
with two vertices (while working with flag complexes, we can think of this as the suspension of
), in which case
${\rm{Out}}(A_{\Gamma ''})\cong{\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma ) \times{\rm{Out}}(F_2)$
, so is commensurable with
$A_\Delta \times F_2$
, as
is virtually free. Further connected examples are given in the appendix.
Appendix A. Computer-assisted construction of further examples, by Benjamin Brück
In [Reference Day and Wade16], Day–Wade give sufficient and necessary conditions for when the group of pure symmetric outer automorphisms
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )$
is itself a RAAG. This gives another way to find examples of RAAGs whose outer automorphism groups are not virtual duality groups. In particular, computer calculations that used the conditions of [Reference Day and Wade16] revealed the two examples depicted in Figure 3; both are connected and have only nine vertices.

Figure 3. Two graphs
$\Gamma _i$
with nine vertices such that
${\rm{Out}}(A_{\Gamma _i})$
is not a virtual duality group. The top row shows the defining graphs
$\Gamma _i$
, the bottom row shows graphs
$\Theta _i$
such that
${\rm{PSO}}(A_{\Gamma _i})\cong A_{\Theta _i}$
To obtain these examples, one proceeds as follows: If
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
contains no transvections (which is equivalent to the second condition of Proposition 2.4), then
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )$
has finite index in
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
. Day–Wade define for a vertex
$a\in \Gamma$
a support graph
$\Delta _a$
that encodes the structure of connected components of
$\Gamma -\mathrm{st}(a)$
, see [Reference Day and Wade16, Definition 1.3]. They show that
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )$
is isomorphic to a RAAG if and only if for all
this support graph is a forest. Furthermore, if this is the case, they explain how to obtain a graph
such that
${\rm{PSO}}(A_\Gamma )\cong A_\Theta$
. If the flag complex
$\hat{\Theta }$
associated to this graph is not Cohen–Macaulay, then
is not a duality group. Hence,
${\rm{Out}}(A_\Gamma )$
cannot be a virtual duality group.
In order to use these arguments for finding explicit examples, we wrote a python script that generates random graphs using the Erdős–Rényi model with varying numbers of vertices and edge probabilities and follows the steps in the previous paragraph. The script does not actually verify all the conditions for Cohen–Macaulayness but instead just checks whether the corresponding flag complexes are pure, that is whether all the maximal simplices have the same dimension. A summary of the procedure can be found in Algorithm 1. All of these conditions can easily be checked using simple operations on graphs provided by the python package networkx [Reference Hagberg, Schult, Swart, Varoquaux, Vaught and Millman21]. The code is available at https://github.com/benjaminbrueck/computations_for_roars/blob/main/duality_Out(RAAGs).ipynb.
Algorithm 1 Finding Γ such that Out(Γ) is not a virtual duality group

The two examples in Figure 3 were obtained using this method. It is not hard to verify by hand that all the support graphs are forests (in fact, none contains more than one edge) and to compute the associated graphs
$\Theta _i$
These graphs have 9 vertices and 15 and 17 edges, respectively. We believe that they are the examples with the minimal number of vertices that can be obtained using this procedure. Computer calculations show that the obstruction above does not appear among the 1253 simple graphs with at most 7 vertices (as provided by the Atlas of Graphs [Reference Read and Wilson26]). There are 12,346 graphs on 8 vertices and 274,668 graphs on 9 vertices [1]. For these, we did not have a list available. However, the computer generated
random graphs with 8 vertices without finding an example. For 9 vertices, around
random graphs were generated and up to isomorphism, the examples presented in Figure 3 were the only ones that appeared.
Of course, one could also try to use other obstructions in order to find examples where the flag complex
$\hat{\Theta }$
is not Cohen–Macaulay. In addition to checking whether
$\hat{\Theta }$
is pure, we also looked for disconnected graphs of dimension at least one. However, this did not lead to new findings with 9 or fewer vertices. We doubt that looking for further obstructions to Cohen–Macaulayness would be very helpful as calculations showed that for such small graphs, the dimension of
$\hat{\Theta }$
is usually low.
We thank the referee for helpful comments and Corey Bregman for feedback on an earlier draft of this paper, particularly Remark 3.5. Wade is funded by the Royal Society through a University Research Fellowship.