In Turkey, in the families who moved from rural settlements into city, the young peoples go to work and the grand parents take care of the little children at home. When the grand parents become old, there will be no one who can take care of them. This situation shows two solutions: to move back to their native environment or to be settled in a nursing home. If they have no where to go, these nursing homes are their only chance.
The private nursing and caring homes, from the point of quality, are not in the same equality. The low-quality institutions are more familiar to the abuse. The residents of these institutions expect kindness, affection and warmth, but they never receive these expectations.
A new kind of elderly abuse in Turkey is the Automatic Transfer Machines thefts. On the paydays the thief comes next to the machine, offers help to the elderly who came to take his retirement salary from the machine; the thief takes the ATM card, put in the hole, ask the password, enter it and take the money and run with a high speed. The poor old person looks after.
There are no criminal codes yet which cover the elderly abuse in Turkey. Those kinds of incidents are taken as ordinary police incidents. The administration is now in preparation of a new program and a new regulation.