According to DSM IV, in the definition of eating disorders, a basic characteristic, common to anorexia and bulimia nervosa is a disturbed perception of body image frequently associated with amenorrhoea, and it's psychological concomitants, among which, the refusal of one's genitality.A noteworthy aspect in the genesis and maintenance of troubles in body representation is unsatisfaction and non acceptance of one's physical characteristics, related to sociocultural dynamics of overemphasizing a perfect and slim feminine body.The purpose of the research was to examine, in a comparative perspective, the structure, contents and qualitative aspects of the drawings of the inside of the body of subjects with eating disorders, with the hypothesis that their drawings might traduce characteristics related to their specific troubles and difficulties, characteristics that did not compare in the drawings of subjects from previous studies by Amann Gainotti,1988, and Amann Gainotti & al.,1992,1993, 2002, 2004 on normal children and adolescents,on young adults, and on subjects from different culturesSubjects of the study were a group of 40 women with eating disorders, aged 16 to 38 years, patients of a specialized medical structure for eating disorders in Rome (Italy).Half of the group suffered of anorexia and the other half of bulimia.Results The drawings of the inside of the body of patients with eating disorders show peculiar features and specific characteristics that are different by certain aspects from children and adolescents’ drawings and that are also different from control subjects of previous studies.