Consider the model y = x′β0
+ f*(z) + ε, where ε [d over =]
N(0, σ02). We calculate the smallest
asymptotic variance that n1/2 consistent regular
(n1/2CR) estimators of β0 can
have when the only information we possess about f*
is that it has a certain shape. We focus on three particular cases:
(i) when f* is homogeneous of degree r,
(ii) when f* is concave,
(iii) when f* is decreasing.
Our results show that in the class of all n1/2CR
estimators of β0, homogeneity of
f* may lead to substantial asymptotic efficiency gains
in estimating β0. In contrast, at least
asymptotically, concavity and monotonicity of f* do
not help in estimating β0 more efficiently, at
least for n1/2CR estimators of