Though it is generally admitted that the cuticle performs an important part in retarding and regulating evaporation from the surface of the body, yet I am not aware of any inquiry hitherto made to determine the fact with exactness.
On account of the importance of the subject, I have been induced to engage in it. The experiments instituted for the purpose have all been of a very simple kind and easily made. They were on the similar parts of dead animals, detached immediately or very soon after the animals had been killed. From one specimen in each instance, the cuticle with the cutis, or the cuticle alone, was removed; whilst from the other these parts of the integuments were left entire. Each was carefully weighed, and then suspended, exposed to the air, side by side. Day after day, with occasional interruptions, or hour after hour, the weighing was repeated, and the result in the loss sustained was noted down. The experiments were made, when not otherwise mentioned, as just described, in a room in which, except in the height of summer, there was commonly a fire by day, its temperature during the day and night varying from about 50° of Fahr. to 55° and 58°. The animals affording the subjects of the trials were the trout, frog, toad, hare, rabbit, pig, thrush, common fowl, blue tit. Even at the risk of tediousness, I shall give the results of the weighing in some detail,—exactness in such trials being the first thing necessary.