The lavas of the Bathgate and Linlithgow Hills occur, as already described, in a series of zones alternating with sedimentary deposits. So far as their field characters are concerned they may be grouped with convenience into two classes: fine-grained, columnar, basaltic types, usually porphyritic with augite and olivine, rarely with felspar, and coarser-grained, doleritic types, usually much decomposed, not evidently porphyritic or porphyritic with olivine alone. The yellow crusts of the compact lavas are minutely vesicular and pumiceous, while steam-cavities are rare in the interior. The doleritic lavas on the other hand are coarsely vesicular and amygdaloidal above and below, and frequently also throughout. The blue basaltic types are relatively very fresh; the doleritic types are frequently entirely decomposed into a whitish, earthy material, with knots of limonite, calcite, and quartz, similar in many respects to the white trap of the coal-fields. Good examples of this mode of weathering may be found in the Riccarton Burn. The differences in texture are probably to be referred not so much to differences in chemical composition as to the effect of variation in the quantity of water vapour contained in the successive flows. The coarse and open structure of the dolerites has evidently also given freer scope to the action of decomposing influences than the more compact structure of the basalts. Both types are much veined by such secondary minerals as calcite, siderite, limonite, quartz, chalcedony, and various zeolites. Frequently cavities in the veins, steam-holes in the pumiceous crusts, and even vesicles within the solid rocks, are found filled with brown viscous pitch or black lustrous asphalt. Such occurrences undoubtedly indicate that these rocks have been subjected to some slight extent to post-volcanic pneumatolytic action.