Athenaion Politela - P. J. Rhodes: A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia. Pp. xiii + 795; 4 figures. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. £45.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 262-263
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Early Cretan Seals - Paul Yule: Early Cretan Seals: A Study of Chronology. (Marburger Studien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 4.) Pp. xiv + 246; 41 plates, many text figures. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1980. DM. 135.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 88-89
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Peplophoroi - Renate Tölle-Kastenbein: Frühklassische Peplosfiguren. Originale. 2 vols. Textband: pp. 347, 33 figures. Tafelband: pp. i–xvi, 176 plates. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1980. DM. 198.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 89-91
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Macedonia - W. L. Adams, E. N. Borza (edd.): Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Heritage. Pp. xiii + 318; 12 illustrations, 2 maps. Lanham, MD.: University Press of America, 1982. $23.50 (paper, $12.75).
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 263-265
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Greek Sculpture - John Barron: An Introduction to Greek Sculpture. Pp. 176; illustrations in the text. London: Athlone Press, 1981. £15.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 91-92
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Slavery in Greece - Yvon Garlan: Les Esclaves en Grèce ancienne. (Textes à l'appui.) Pp. 226. Paris: Françis Maspero, 1982. Paper, 68 frs.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 265-267
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Greek Vases - Stephen L. Hyatt (ed.): The Greek Vase. Papers based on lectures presented to a symposium held at Hudson Valley Community College at Troy, New York in April of 1979. Pp. x + 186; 105 illustrations. Latham, N.Y.: Hudson-Mohawk Association of Colleges and Universities, 1981.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 92-94
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Roman Spain - José María Jover Zamora (ed.): España romana (218 a. de J.C.–414 de J. C.). (Historia de España, fundada por Ramén Menéndez Pidal, Tomo II (edición totalmente renovada).) 2 volumes. Vol. 1: pp. cxvi + 646; Vol. 2: pp. 764. 343 (Vol. 1), 414 (Vol. 2) figures in text (including maps). Madrid: Espasa–Calpe, 1982.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 267-270
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The Phaidon Atlas of the Roman World - Tim Cornell, John Matthews: Atlas of the Roman World. Pp. 240; 213 black and white illustrations, 257 colour illustrations, 62 maps. Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1982. £17.50.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 270-271
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Fifth-Century Greek Sculpture - Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway: Fifth Century Styles in Greek Sculpture. Pp. xxiv + 256; 159 plates. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. £31.60 (paper, £10.50).
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 94-96
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Caryatid Mirrors - Leonore O. Keene Congdon: Caryatid Mirrors of Ancient Greece: Technical, Stylistic and Historical Considerations of an Archaic and Early Classical Bronze Series. Pp. xiv + 288; 97 plates. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1981. DM. 390.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 97-99
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Patronage Under the Principate - Richard P. Saller: Personal Patronage under the Early Empire. Pp. viii + 222. Cambridge University Press, 1982. £18.50.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 271-273
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The Bar Kokhba War - Peter Schäfer: Der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand. Studien zum zweiten jüdischen Krieg gegen Rom. (Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum, 1.) Pp. xvii + 271. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1981. DM. 118.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 273-274
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Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum - Filippo Giudice: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italy. Fasc. LVI. (Gela, Museo Archeologico, 4.) Pp. 31; 47 plates. Rome: Multigraphica Editrice, 1979.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 99-100
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Bronze Jewellery - Hanna Philipp: Bronzeschmuck aus Olympia. (Olympische Forschungen, 13.) Pp. xvi + 403; 82 plates. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1981. Paper, DM. 198.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 100-102
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The Role of the Roman Emperor - Jochen Bleicken: Zum Regierungsstil des römischen Kaisers: eine Antwort auf Fergus Millar. (Sitzungsberichte der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann–Wolfgang–Goethe–Universität Frankfurt am Main, 18.) Pp. 183–215. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1982.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 275-276
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The Frontiers A.D. 306–363 - Pedro A. Barceló: Roms auswärtige Beziehungen unter der Constantinischen Dynastie (306–363). (Eichstätter Beiträge, 3.) Pp. 222. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1981. Paper, DM. 38.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 277-278
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Bronzes From Olympia - Peter C. Bol: Grossplastik aus Bronze in Olympia. (Olympische Forschungen, 9.) Pp. xi + 145; 72 plates. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1978. Paper, DM. 145.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 102-103
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Constantine and his Age - Timothy D. Barnes: The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine. Pp. xix + 305. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 1982. £24.50. - Timothy D. Barnes: Constantine and Eusebius. Pp. vi + 458; 1 map. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 1982. £24.50.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2009, pp. 278-284
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Roman Crete - I. F. Sanders: Roman Crete. An Archaeological Survey and Gazetteer of Late Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Crete. (Archaeologists Handbooks to the Roman World.) Pp. xiv + 185; 63 figures, 72 photoplates in text; folding map. Warminster, Wilts.: Aris & Phillips, 1982. Paper, £18.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 February 2009, pp. 104-105
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