Inscriptions Relating to Alexander - A. J. Heisserer: Alexander the Great and the Greeks: the epigraphic evidence. Pp. xxvii + 252; 28 plates (+ frontispiece), 7 figures in text, and 3 maps. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980. $29.95.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 241-243
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H. W. Nordheider: Chorlieder des Euripides in ihrer dramatischen Funktion. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe XV, Bd. 17.) Pp. 116. Frankfurt am Main: Peter D. Lang, 1980. Paper, 25 Sw. frs.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 91-92
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Bernhard Gallistl: Teiresias in den Bakchen des Euripides. Pp. 123; 8 plates. Rosenheim: Schury Kopie & Druck GmbH, 1979. Paper.
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- 27 February 2009, p. 92
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The People of Roman Britain - Anthony Birley: The People of Roman Britain. Pp. 224; 16 plates, 9 figures. London: Batsford, 1980. £8.95.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 243-246
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Heather White: Studies in Theocritus and other Hellenistic poets. (London Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 3.) Pp. 89. Amsterdam/Uithoorn: J. C. Gieben, 1979. Paper.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 93-94
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Thera II - C. Doumas (ed.): Thera and the Aegean World II. Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978. Pp. 431; 3 colour plates, 105 figures, 2 pull-out maps in separate pocket. London: Thera and the Aegean World (distributed by Aris & Phillips), 1980. £32.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 246-248
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Clazomenian Sarcophagi - R. M. Cook: Clazomenian Sarcophagi. (Kerameus, 3.) Pp. 184; 61 text figures, 108 plates. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1981. DM. 198.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 248-249
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John Blundell: Menander and the Monologue. (Hypomnemata, 59.) Pp. 91. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1980. Paper.
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- 27 February 2009, p. 94
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Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli - Adolf Hoffmann: Das Gartenstadion in der Villa Hadriana. Pp. ix + 87; 60 plates, 37 line-drawings. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 1980. DM. 150.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 249-251
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John Ferguson: Callimachus. (Twayne's World Authors Series, no. 589.) Pp. 185. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. $13.95 (15% higher outside the U.S.). - Steven F. Walker: Theocritus. (Twayne's World Authors Series, no. 609.) Pp. 167. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. $14.95 (15% higher outside the U.S.).
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 94-95
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Carthage - John Griffiths Pedley (ed.): New Light on Ancient Carthage. Papers of a Symposium sponsored by the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, the University of Michigan, marking the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Museum. Pp. xiv + 152; 25 half tone, 12 line illustrations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1980. $20.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 251-253
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Bodil Due: Antiphon: A study in argumentation. (Opuscula graecolatina (Supplementa Musei Tusculani).) Pp. 75. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1980. Paper.
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- 27 February 2009, p. 95
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Gareth L. Schmeling: Xenophon of Ephesus. (Twayne's World Authors Series, no. 613.) pp. 187. Boston: Twayne, 1980. $14.95.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 95-96
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The Danube Bend - Sandor Soproni: Der spätrömische Limes zwischen Esztergom und Szentendre. Pp. 231 + 95 pages of maps, plans, drawings, photographs. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1978. $28.50.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 253-254
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J. R. Jenkinson: Persius, The Satires. Pp. vii + 131. Warminster, Wilts.: Aris and Phillips, 1980. £10 (paper, £5).
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 96-97
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IG 13 - David Lewis: Inscriptiones Graecae. Voluminis 1 (Editio tertia), Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores, Fasciculus 1, Decreta et Tabulae Magistratuum. Pp. xi + 488. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1981. Paper, DM. 780 ($458).
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 255-258
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Imperial Inscriptions from Xanthos - A. Balland: Fouilles de Xanthos VII. Inscriptions d'époque impériale du Létôon. Pp. xxi + 312; 34 plates, 1 plan. Paris: Klincksieck, 1981. Paper.
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- 27 February 2009, pp. 258-260
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J. Beaujeu: Cicéron, Correspondance. Tome VII. (Collection Budé.) Pp. 335. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1980. 135 frs.
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- 27 February 2009, p. 97
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Marco Grondona: La religione e la superstizione nella Cena Trimalchionis. (Collection Latomus, 171.) Pp. 104; 10 black-and-white plates. Brussels: Latomus, 1980. Paper, 475 B. frs.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 February 2009, pp. 97-98
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Prosopographia Arsinoitica - J. M. Diethart: Prosopographia Arsinoitica I, s. vi–viii (Pros. Ars. I) (Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer), N.S. 12 Folge.) Pp. xviii + 389. Vienna: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1980. Paper.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 February 2009, pp. 260-261
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