Agape and Eros - Agape and Eros: A Study of the Christian Idea of Love. Part I. By Anders Nygren. Authorized translation by A. G. Hebert. London: S.P.C.K., 1932. Cloth, 6s.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 137-139
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Housman's Manilius (Editio Minor) - M. Manilii Astronomica. Recensuit A. E. Housman. Editio minor. Pp. xvi+181. Cambridge: University Press, 1932. Cloth, 10s. 6d. net.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 26-27
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Lucilius and Virgil - Ettore Bolisani. Lucilio e i suoi frammenti (Prima versione italiana). Pp. 435. Padua: ‘II Messaggero,’ 1932. Paper, L.30. - Quae Vergilius e Lucilio vel hauserit vel sumpserit. Pp. 27. Padua: L. Penada, 1933. Paper.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 185-186
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The Turning of the Times in Rome - Aus Roms Zeitwende. Von Wesen und Wirken des augusteischen Geistes. (Das Erbe der Alten, Heft XX). Pp. ii + 118; two plates showing the Carthage altar of the gens Augusta. Leipzig: Dieterich, 1931. M. 4.70 (bound, 5.80).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 76-77
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The Loeb Edition of the Politics - Aristotle: The Politics. With an English translation. By H. Rackham. Pp. xxiii + 684. London: Heinemann (New York: Putnam), 1932. Cloth, 10s. (leather, 12s. 6d.)
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 139-140
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Seneca's Letters - Seneca's Letters to Lucilius, translated by E. P. Barker. Vol. I: pp. xxvi + 324. Vol. II: pp. 334. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932. Cloth, 12s. 6d. net. - Notes and Emendations to the Epistulae Morales of L. Annaeus Seneca. By W. H. Alexander. Pp. 16. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press, 1932. Paper, 30 cents.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 77-78
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Coin and Kind in the Decline of Rome - Geld und Wirtschaft im römischen Reich des vierten Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Von G. Mickwitz. Pp.xv. + 232. (Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, IV. 2.) Helsingfors: Akademische Buchhandlung (Leipzig: Harrassowitz), 1932. Paper, Fmk. 170.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 27
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Latin Inscriptions - Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, consilio et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Borussicae editum. Voluminis sexti (Inscriptiones Urbis Romae Latinae) partis quartae fasciculus postremus. Additamentorum auctarium, edidit Martinus Bang. Berolini apud W. de Gruyter et socios. MCMXXXIII. Imp. 4to. Pp. viii + 3755–4066. Paper. M. 96. - Inscriptiones Italiae: Academiae Italicae consociatae ediderunt. Roma: La Libreria dello Stato. Music 4to. Paper. Volumen XI: Regio XI. Fasciculus I: Augusta Praetoria; curavit Piero Barocelli. Pp. xix + 68 + map and 3 plates. 1932. Lire 60. Fasciculus II: Eporedia; curavit Iosephus Corradi. Pp. xv + 33 + map. 1931. Lire 30.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 186-188
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Colour-Words and Sound-Words in Vergil and Horace - Hermann Gauger: Optische und akustische Sinnesdaten in den Dichtungen des Vergil und Horaz. Pp. vi + 81. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1932. Paper. RM. 6.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 231-232
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A New Text of Apuleius' Metamorphoses - Apulei Opera quae supersunt. Vol. I. Apulei Platonici Madaurensis Metamorphoseon Libri XI. Tertium edidit R. Helm. Pp. viii + 296. Leipzig: Teubner, 1931. Paper, R.M. 4.32; cloth, 5.40.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 232-234
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Two Books on Plautus - Plautinisches und Attisches. Von Günther Jachmann (Problemata, Heft 3). Pp. 258. Berlin: Weidmann, 1931. Paper, M. 16. - The Economy of Actors in Plautus. By Carrie May Kurrelmeyer. Pp. 103. (Doctoral thesis, Johns Hopkins University). Graz: Deutsche Vereins-Druckerei, 1932. Paper.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 140-141
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The New Suidas - Suidae Lexicon. Edidit Ada Adler. Pars II. Δ-Θ, Pp. xiv + 740. Leipzig: Teubner, 1931. Cloth, RM. 48 (unbound, 46).
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- 27 October 2009, p. 28
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The Last Century of the Roman Republic - The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume IX. The Roman Republic 133–44 B.C. Pp. xxxi+1023; maps, tables, plans, etc. Cambridge: University Press, 1932. Cloth, 37s. 6d.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 188-191
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The Verrius Problem - Quaestiones Verrianae. By Ladislaus Strzelecki. Pp. 116. (No. 13 of Travaux de la Société des Lettres de Varsovie, Classe i, 1931.) Warsaw: University Press, 1932. Paper, 3s. 4d.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 78-79
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Some School-Books - Matriculation Latin. By Eleanor Purdie, Ph.D., and M. B. Saunders, M.A. Pp. vi + 180. London: Bell, 1932. Cloth, 3s. - The Clarendon Latin Course. Part 2. By Arthur Clendon, M.A., and J. H. Vince, M.A. Pp. 287. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932. Cloth, 3s. 6d. - Latin for Today. By Mason D. Gray and Thornton Jenkyns. Edited by Cuthbert McEvoy, M.A. Pp. xxxi + 327; illustrated. Cloth. With Notes for Teachers. By Cuthbert McEvoy, M.A. Pp. 30. London: Ginn, Ltd., 1932. Paper. - The Syntax of the Latin Gerund and Gerundive. By Gilbert Norwood. Pp. 36. Toronto: Thos. Nelson and Sons, Ltd., 1932. Paper, 1s. 6d. - Hints on Latin Prose. By Lionel James, M.A. 1932. Paper. Single cards, 6d.; 12 cards, 5s.; 50 cards, 15s.; 100 cards, 25s.; post free from the author, Moyses, Five Ashes, Sussex.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 79-80
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An Italian on Sallust - E. Cesareo: Sallustio. Pp. iv + 173. Florence: Le Monnier, 1932. Paper, Lire 5.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 141-142
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Some Class-Books - A. S. C. Barnard: Res Gestae Populi Romani. Pp. 84. London: Bell, 1931. Limp cloth, is. 6d.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 28-29
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Recent Work on Cicero's Letters - Tyrrell and Purser: The Correspondence of Cicero. Vol. VI. Second Edition. Pp. cxxxi+412. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis and Co. (London: Longmans), 1933. Cloth, 21s. - H. Sjögren: M. Tulli Ciceronis ad Atticum Epistularum Libri Sedecim. Fasciculus tertius libros IX–XII continens. Pp. 210. Gothenburg: Eranos' Förlag, 1932. Paper, 6.75 kr.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 234-237
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The Culture of the Time of Cicero - Wilhelm Kroll: Die Kultur der ciceronischen Zeit. I. Politik und Wirtschaft. Pp. vi + 157. (Das Erbe der Alten, Heft XXII.) Leipzig: Dieterich, 1933. Paper, M. 6.20 (bound, 7).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 191-192
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Two Speeches of Cicero - M. Tulli Ciceronis pro M. Caelio oratio. Edited by Roland G. Austin. Pp. xix + 131. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933. Cloth, 4s. 6d. - M. T. Ciceronis pro Q. Ligario oratio apud C. Caesarem, Introduzione e commento di Antonio Giusti. Pp. xxiv + 50. Milan: Società Dante Alighieri, 1933. Paper, L. 3.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 192-193
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