The need to exploit new sources of energy has recently led France to encourage several research programs toward the cultivation of crops for biomass production to extract alcohol, glucides, and chips for burning. To produce large quantities of biomass rapidly, several species of Populus have been selectively tested in short rotation coppices on about 400 ha in several parts of the country.
Among the practical consequences of this policy, one appears to be harmful, namely the spatial extension of several pests, mainly leaf eaters or polyphagous insects. These insects previously were located in poplar nurseries. Among the leaf eaters, larvae and adults of the poplar leaf beetles Chrysomela (= Melasoma) populi L. and Chrysomela tremulae F. feed on many poplar species in central France (e.g. Populus tremula L., Populus trichocarpa Torrey and Gray, Populus deltoides Bartram, Populus lasiocarpa Oliver).