Bulletin of Entomological Research
Aims and Scope
The aims of the Bulletin of Entomological Research are to further our global knowledge of entomology through the generalisation of research findings rather than providing more entomological exceptions. The Bulletin publishes high quality and original research papers, 'critiques' and review articles concerning insects or other arthropods of economic importance in agriculture, forestry, stored products, biological control, medicine, animal health and natural resource management. The scope of papers addresses the biology, ecology, behaviour, physiology and systematics of individuals and populations. This includes the interactions between species (plants, hosts for parasites, natural enemies and whole communities), novel methodological developments, including molecular biology, in an applied context.
The Bulletin does not publish results of studies testing pesticides, or crude extracts tested without biological relevance or proper identification of active components, or traditional taxonomic revisions.
Styles of Paper
Bulletin of Entomological Research publishes the following article type
- Research Paper*
- Review Article*
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
Research Papers entail a full account of a complete project, including details of experimental findings.
Reviews are literature overviews of recent research in a larger subtopic or comparative reviews of related work in different species. Reviews will normally be specially commissioned but we would welcome any suggestions from authors for reviews they wish to write. Reviews can be comparative across species or be confined to a single species.
We no longer publish Short Communications. However, short papers reporting exceptionally important findings, that are likely to be highly cited, will still be published, but as Research Papers. If the referees and editors judge a paper to be particularly significant then it will be fast-tracked for publication.
We also welcome 'Letters to the Editor' with comments on recently published papers to encourage a dialogue between readers and researchers.