Deoni is an important dual-purpose breed of cattle in Maharashtra. These animals are mainly found in the Latur district and the adjoining area of Prabhani, Nanded and Osmanabad districts of the Marathwada region of Maharashtra. From 1996 to 1999, a systematic survey was conducted in 13 strata involving 69 villages to determine geographic distribution, establish breed characteristics, determine socioeconomic status and existing management practices as well as to estimate the approximate population of Deoni cattle in its breeding tract. The total number of households enumerated was 9 132. The average herd size was 2.5 animals with a range of 1 to 16. About 30 percent of farmers were found rearing Deoni cattle. The total population of the Deoni in the entire breeding tract was estimated at 118 945. A decrease in Deoni cattle population (8.78 percent) was also noticed from August 1996 to August 1998.
Deoni is a medium heavy animal. It is found in three-colour variations viz.Wannera, Balankya and Shevera. The body is moderately developed and symmetrical with distinct muscles. Horn length, ear length, head length, chest girth, body length and height averaged 17.61, 26.18, 49.82, 151.82, 120.11 and122.22 cm in adult cows and 19.97, 26.67, 53.68, 163.55, 129.59 and 134.36 cm in bullocks. Lactation milk yield averaged 868 litres. The average fat content in the milk of Deoni cows was 4.3 percent. Cows showed their first estrus at the average age of 36 months. Average age at first calving was 46 months. Service period and inter-calving period averaged 170 and 447 days. The selected bulls started breeding at the age of 30 months. Calf and adultmortality was found to be negligible and the breed was found to be hardy and well adapted to tropical draught prone areas. The declining trend of the Deoni cattle breed calls for immediate steps to control the reasons. Regarding conservation and improvement, both models need to be implemented effectively to make the programme successful.