Introduction: The UN Security Council’s Four Defining Fields of Tension
1.The UN Security Council: Maintaining Peace during a Global Power Shift
2.The UN Security Council: A Reflection on Institutional Strength
II.An Institutionalist Perspective: Limits to the Security Council
III.Bolstering the Security Council’s Institutional Environment
IV.Disputed Uses of Force and the Importance of Inclusive Processes
V.Sanctions Outside and Inside the UN Institutional Framework
VI.Security Council Action on Terrorism and Extremism: Stretching Prerogatives beyond Breaking Point?
3.The UN Security Council: Between Centralism and Regionalism
II.The United Nations and Regional Organisations: Partnering for the Maintenance of Peace
III.The Security Council’s Practice in Selected Partnership Peace Operations with the African Union
A.Article 4(h) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union and the Primacy of the Security Council
B.The Security Council, the African Union, and the Libyan Conflict of 2011
C.China’s Position in the Security Council Regarding UN Peacekeeping in Africa
E.AU–UN Collaboration in Fighting International Terrorism through Peace Operations
IV.Continuing Challenges, Future Trajectories, and the Need for Reform
Conclusion: Power, Procedures, and Periphery – The UN Security Council in the Ukraine War