1.4Percentage of cumulated maximal score per policy area by income group
7.1Number of cases invoking provisions of the TRIMS Agreement
7.2Number of cases invoking provisions of the TRIPS Agreement
7.3Frequency of investment legislation within OECD and LDCs, and stated objectives in LDCs investment law
9.2Presence of (or references to) key investment facilitation concepts (percent share in 135 national investment laws analyzed)
9.3National policy measures related to investment promotion and facilitation, 2010–2019 (percent)
9.4Investment attraction tools in SEZ laws (number of laws,
11.3Cooperation and facilitation coordination among domestic and international institutional governance structures
12.1Number of international agreements entered by the EC/EU or its member states, with investment facilitation provisions (1950–2020)
12.2Number of BITs signed by EC/EU member states, including investment facilitation provisions, by country (1950–2020)