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  • Cited by 3
  • Edited by Jane M. McCarthy, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and University of Auckland, Regi T. Alexander, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust and University of Hertfordshire, Eddie Chaplin, Institute of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
May 2023
Print publication year:
Online ISBN:

Book description

Evidence has shown a high prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders amongst offenders in custodial institutions. Bringing together the latest knowledge and understanding, this book describes the needs of offenders who present with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, intellectual disability and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The book covers aetiology, prevalence, comorbid mental disorders, legal issues, assessment including risk assessments, diagnosis and therapeutic approaches. It describes care pathways through the criminal justice system across the UK and internationally, including the current and ongoing developments of services for this group. With contributions from experts in the field including psychiatrists, researchers and psychologists, this book provides a comprehensive summary of the evidence whilst ensuring the focus is for the everyday clinician working in this area. It is an invaluable resource for psychiatrists and other professionals working across the criminal justice system and within forensic services.


‘I wish I had been accompanied by this authoritative textbook during the 30 years I have spent assessing people in prison with neurodevelopmental disorders. It's a comprehensive toolkit to help and guide clinicians in this important and growing area. The need has never been greater. This tome is comprehensive, authoritative, practical, and accessible. A great addition to the scientific literature.’

Adrian James - President, Royal college of psychiatrists and forensic psychiatrist

‘There has been an increasing awareness for the forensic aspects for people with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD). People with NDD became more visible in the community with the closure of the long stay institutions having also to cope with the demands of everyday life. NDD can be presented with very complex needs requiring specialist services. This remarkable and readable book covers the existing gap in the knowledge, interventions and supports for people with NDD and forensic aspects. It is also a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to understand the issues involved for people with NDD and forensic aspects and a useful tool for practitioners. The multidisciplinary approach of the volume is commendable covering the wide range of forensic aspects. The inclusion of some international approaches is of particular interest.’

Nick Bouras - Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, King’s College London

‘I find this book enlightening, as it sheds light on the significant impact of neurodevelopmental disorders on the criminal justice system. It is my hope that more information on this topic will result in proper justice to such a vulnerable population.’

Aaron John Plattner Source: Doody's Reviews

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