In carrying out the research project that produced this volume, we relied on advice and support from many colleagues. The project could not have been completed without support from a generous gift from the Omidyar Network, which provided financial support, but even more importantly, expert advice on the problems addressed here. At the Omidyar Network, we worked with Anamitra Deb, Ellen Jacobs, and Gus Rossi. The project also could not have been completed without the assiduous and scholarly research, organization, diligence, patience, and sheer hard work of Dominik Hofstetter. Similarly excellent research assistance, with only slightly less intense involvement, was also provided by Arpitha Desai, Eshita Eshita, and Mitakshi Lakhani. Ravi Shankar Chaturvedi’s support in project management was invaluable. We are also grateful to our colleagues at The Fletcher School – Abidemi Adisa, Christina Filipovic, Anuradha Herur, Dorothy Orszulak, and Maria Pereira – for their support through the project and help in organizing the conference associated with this initiative. It was a pleasure to work with the authors of this volume who each added extraordinary depth and perspective to the final product.