This research focuses on pteropods of the family Cavoliniidae, which remains an under-studied taxa in Indian waters. Sediment samples collected by the FORV Sagar Sampada from the Andaman Islands, India, yielded eight species of the family Cavoliniidae, representing the genera Cavolinia and Diacavolinia of the subfamily Cavoliniinae, and the genus Diacria of the subfamily Diacriniinae. Notably, four species – Diacavolinia aspina, D. bandaensis, D. deblainvillei and Diacria erythra represent new distributional records for India. Furthermore, Cavolinia uncinata, Diacavolinia angulata, D. bicornis and D. flexipes are recorded for the first time in the Andaman Sea. This study is significant in expanding the understanding of pteropod diversity in the Indian Ocean, contributing to a better understanding of their ecosystem and geographical range.