In this paper we study domains, Scott domains, and the existence of measurements. We use a space created by D. K. Burke to show that there is a Scott domain
P for which
\max (P) is a
{{G}_{\delta }}-subset of
P and yet no measurement
\mu on
P has
\text{ker(}\mu \text{)}\,=\,\max (P). We also correct a mistake in the literature asserting that
[0,\,{{\omega }_{1}}) is a space of this type. We show that if
P is a Scott domain and
X\,\subseteq \,\max (P) is a
{{G}_{\delta }}-subset of
P, then
X has a
{{G}_{\delta }}-diagonal and is weakly developable. We show that if
X\,\subseteq \,\max (P) is a
{{G}_{\delta }}-subset of
P, where
P is a domain but perhaps not a Scott domain, then
X is domain-representable, first-countable, and is the union of dense, completely metrizable subspaces. We also show that there is a domain
P such that
\max (P) is the usual space of countable ordinals and is a
{{G}_{\delta }}-subset of
P in the Scott topology. Finally we show that the kernel of a measurement on a Scott domain can consistently be a normal, separable, non-metrizable Moore space.