In this contribution, we present results from fully general-relativistic three-dimensional (3D) simulations of a non-rotating 15M⊙ star using different nuclear equations of state (EOSs). We show that the SASI (standing-accretion-shock-instability) activity occurs much more vigorously in models with softer EOS. By performing detailed analysis of the gravitational-wave (GW) emission, we find a new GW signature that is produced predominantly by the SASI-induced downflows to the proto-neutron star. We discuss the detectability of the GW signal by performing a coherent network analysis where multiple detectors including LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, VIRGO, and KAGRA are considered. We point out that the GW signal, whose typical frequency is in the best sensitivity range of the laser-interferometers, could potentially provide the live broadcast that pictures how the supernova shock is dancing in the core. The detection horizon of the signal is estimated as 2~3 kpc for the current generation detectors, which can extend up to ~100 kpc for the third generation detectors like Cosmic Explorer. We furthermore perform a correlation analysis between the SASI-modulated GW and neutrino signals. Our results show that the time correlation of the two signals becomes highest when we take into account the travel timescale of adverting material from the (average) neutrino-sphere to the proto-neutron star surface.